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Algorithm to locate local maxima

I have data that always looks something like this:

alt text http://michaelfogleman.com/static/images/chart.png

I need an algorithm to locate the three peaks.

The x-axis is actually a camera position and the y-axis is a measure of image focus/contrast at that position. There are features at three different distances that can be in focus and I need to determine the x-values for these three points.

The middle hump is always a little harder to pick out, even for a human.

I have a homemade algorithm that mostly works, but I'm wondering if there's a standard way to grab local maxima from a function that can have a little noise in it. The peaks overcome the noise easily though.

Also, being camera data, an algorithm that doesn't require scanning the full range could be useful.

Edit: Posting the Python code that I ended up using. It uses my original code that finds maxima given a search threshold and does a binary search to find a threshold that results in the desired number of maxima.

Edit: Sample data included in code below. New code is O(n) instead of O(n^2).

def find_n_maxima(data, count):
    low = 0
    high = max(data) - min(data)
    for iteration in xrange(100): # max iterations
        mid = low + (high - low) / 2.0
        maxima = find_maxima(data, mid)
        if len(maxima) == count:
            return maxima
        elif len(maxima) < count: # threshold too high
            high = mid
        else: # threshold too low
            low = mid
    return None # failed

def find_maxima(data, threshold):
    def search(data, threshold, index, forward):
        max_index = index
        max_value = data[index]
        if forward:
            path = xrange(index + 1, len(data))
            path = xrange(index - 1, -1, -1)
        for i in path:
            if data[i] > max_value:
                max_index = i
                max_value = data[i]
            elif max_value - data[i] > threshold:
        return max_index, i
    # forward pass
    forward = set()
    index = 0
    while index < len(data) - 1:
        maximum, index = search(data, threshold, index, True)
        index += 1
    # reverse pass
    reverse = set()
    index = len(data) - 1
    while index > 0:
        maximum, index = search(data, threshold, index, False)
        index -= 1
    return sorted(forward & reverse)

data = [
    1263.900, 1271.968, 1276.151, 1282.254, 1287.156, 1296.513,
    1298.799, 1304.725, 1309.996, 1314.484, 1321.759, 1323.988,
    1331.923, 1336.100, 1340.007, 1340.548, 1343.124, 1353.717,
    1359.175, 1364.638, 1364.548, 1357.525, 1362.012, 1367.190,
    1367.852, 1376.275, 1374.726, 1374.260, 1392.284, 1382.035,
    1399.418, 1401.785, 1400.353, 1418.418, 1420.401, 1423.711,
    1425.214, 1436.231, 1431.356, 1435.665, 1445.239, 1438.701,
    1441.988, 1448.930, 1455.066, 1455.047, 1456.652, 1456.771,
    1459.191, 1473.207, 1465.788, 1488.785, 1491.422, 1492.827,
    1498.112, 1498.855, 1505.426, 1514.587, 1512.174, 1525.244,
    1532.235, 1543.360, 1543.985, 1548.323, 1552.478, 1576.477,
    1589.333, 1610.769, 1623.852, 1634.618, 1662.585, 1704.127,
    1758.718, 1807.490, 1852.097, 1969.540, 2243.820, 2354.224,
    2881.420, 2818.216, 2552.177, 2355.270, 2033.465, 1965.328,
    1824.853, 1831.997, 1779.384, 1764.789, 1704.507, 1683.615,
    1652.712, 1646.422, 1620.593, 1620.235, 1613.024, 1607.675,
    1604.015, 1574.567, 1587.718, 1584.822, 1588.432, 1593.377,
    1590.533, 1601.445, 1667.327, 1739.034, 1915.442, 2128.835,
    2147.193, 1970.836, 1755.509, 1653.258, 1613.284, 1558.576,
    1552.720, 1541.606, 1516.091, 1503.747, 1488.797, 1492.021,
    1466.720, 1457.120, 1462.485, 1451.347, 1453.224, 1440.477,
    1438.634, 1444.571, 1428.962, 1431.486, 1421.721, 1421.367,
    1403.461, 1415.482, 1405.318, 1399.041, 1399.306, 1390.486,
    1396.746, 1386.178, 1376.941, 1369.880, 1359.294, 1358.123,
    1353.398, 1345.121, 1338.808, 1330.982, 1324.264, 1322.147,
    1321.098, 1313.729, 1310.168, 1304.218, 1293.445, 1285.296,
    1281.882, 1280.444, 1274.795, 1271.765, 1266.857, 1260.161,
    1254.380, 1247.886, 1250.585, 1246.901, 1245.061, 1238.658,
    1235.497, 1231.393, 1226.241, 1223.136, 1218.232, 1219.658,
    1222.149, 1216.385, 1214.313, 1211.167, 1208.203, 1206.178,
    1206.139, 1202.020, 1205.854, 1206.720, 1204.005, 1205.308,
    1199.405, 1198.023, 1196.419, 1194.532, 1194.543, 1193.482,
    1197.279, 1196.998, 1194.489, 1189.537, 1188.338, 1184.860,
    1184.633, 1184.930, 1182.631, 1187.617, 1179.873, 1171.960,
    1170.831, 1167.442, 1177.138, 1166.485, 1164.465, 1161.374,
    1167.185, 1174.334, 1186.339, 1202.136, 1234.999, 1283.328,
    1347.111, 1679.050, 1927.083, 1860.902, 1602.791, 1350.454,
    1274.236, 1207.727, 1169.078, 1138.025, 1117.319, 1109.169,
    1080.018, 1073.837, 1059.876, 1050.209, 1050.859, 1035.003,
    1029.214, 1024.602, 1017.932, 1006.911, 1010.722, 1005.582,
    1000.332, 998.0721, 992.7311, 992.6507, 981.0430, 969.9936,
    972.8696, 967.9463, 970.1519, 957.1309, 959.6917, 958.0536,
    954.6357, 954.9951, 947.8299, 953.3991, 949.2725, 948.9012,
    939.8549, 940.1641, 942.9881, 938.4526, 937.9550, 929.6279,
    935.5402, 921.5773, 933.6365, 918.7065, 922.5849, 939.6088,
    911.3251, 923.7205, 924.8227, 911.3192, 936.7066, 915.2046,
    919.0274, 915.0533, 910.9783, 913.6773, 916.6287, 907.9267,
    908.0421, 908.7398, 911.8401, 914.5696, 912.0115, 919.4418,
    917.0436, 920.5495, 917.6138, 907.5037, 908.5145, 919.5846,
    917.6047, 926.8447, 910.6347, 912.8305, 907.7085, 911.6889,

for n in xrange(1, 6):
    print 'Looking for %d maxima:' % n
    indexes = find_n_maxima(data, n)
    print indexes
    print ', '.join(str(data[i]) for i in indexes)


Looking for 1 maxima:

Looking for 2 maxima:
[78, 218]
2881.42, 1927.083

Looking for 3 maxima:
[78, 108, 218]
2881.42, 2147.193, 1927.083

Looking for 4 maxima:
[78, 108, 218, 274]
2881.42, 2147.193, 1927.083, 936.7066

Looking for 5 maxima:
[78, 108, 218, 269, 274]
2881.42, 2147.193, 1927.083, 939.6088, 936.7066
like image 992
FogleBird Avatar asked Jul 14 '10 02:07


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Check the middle element of the array, if it is greater than the elements following it and the element preceding it, then it is the local maxima, else if it is greater than the preceding element, then the local maxima is in the left half, else the local maxima is in the right half.

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Examples on Local Maximum and Minimum Example 1: Find the local maxima and local minima of the function f(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 - 12x + 5., using the first derivative test. Hence the limiting points are x = 1, and x = -2. Let us take the points in the immediate neighbourhood of x = 1. The points are {0, 2}.

2 Answers

The local maxima would be any x point which has a higher y value than either of its left and right neighbors. To eliminate noise, you could put in some kind of tolerance threshold (ex. x point must have higher y value than n of its neighbors).

To avoid scanning every point, you could use the same approach but go 5 or 10 points at a time to get a rough sense of where the maximum lie. Then come back to those areas for a more detailed scan.

like image 151
btreat Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10


Couldn't you move along the graph, regularly calculating the derivative and if it switches from positive to negative you've found a peak?

like image 20
Matt Mitchell Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10

Matt Mitchell