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Algorithm Issue -- Determine if array has already been partitioned (i.e. one step of quicksort)


The last question on my algorithms final has been driving me crazy for the past month. Here is the question:

You have an array A[0...n], write an algorithm (in "proper" pseudocode) that runs in O(n) that can determine whether this array has already been partitioned relative to some index k and if so, find k; if not then return -1;

To clarify, by Partition:

For each element e in A[0...n], if e < A[k] place e to the "left" of A[k], else put e to the "right" of A[k].

So an example of a partitioned array (w.r.t. k = 11):

A = [4 2 5 3 7 4 2 6 8 4 11010 10 20 11 15 13 28 99 11]


myAlgo(A) -> (11)


A = [10, 20, 30, 40, 11,100, 150, 101, 125]


myAlgo(A) -> (5)

but not:

A = [10, 20, 30, 40, 5]

myAlgo(A) -> (-1)

My first thought (which was incredibly naive) was so awful I literally can't put it into words. Basically, it inadvertently checked if the array were sorted and pulled a fairly random value out of the middle.

My next thought was to scan the list and first check to find the highest number that I hit just before hitting a decreasing number and ruling all of those numbers out... basically holding a max and a min and if things fall outside of both then shifting my possible partition index to the end of my subset.

Here is where I tried (very, very badly) to implement this (with a test case):

int myAlgo(const int* A, int n);

int main() {

    const int A[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 11, 100, 150, 101, 125};

    int index;
    if((index = myAlgo(A, 9)) != -1) {
        printf("A[%d] = %d", index, A[index]);
    else {
        printf("Not Partitioned >:/");

    return 0;

int myAlgo(const int* A, int n) {
    // the index of the smallest possible number in the remainder of the list
    int minIdx = 0;

    // the index of the largest number we've encountered
    int maxIdx = 0;

    // index of possible partition "center"
    int kIdx = 0;

    bool isPart = false;

    for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
        if( A[maxIdx] <= A[i] )  {
            maxIdx = i;
            if(isPart == false)  { kIdx = i; minIdx = i;} // if we flipped then this is a good time to grab a partitioner index
            isPart = true;
        else { isPart = false; minIdx = i; }
        printf("A[%d] = %d <==> A[%d]: %d : %c\n", maxIdx, A[maxIdx], i, A[i], (isPart?'T':'F'));
        if( A[minIdx] > A[i] ) { isPart = false; }
        printf("A[%d] = %d <==> A[%d]: %d : %c\n", minIdx, A[minIdx], i, A[i], (isPart?'T':'F'));

    printf("A[%d] = %d : %c\n\n", kIdx, A[kIdx], (isPart?'T':'F'));

    // We gotta check this to make sure it is a valid list...
    if(isPart) return kIdx;
    else return -1;

But, not surprisingly, my output is thus:

A[0] = 10 <==> A[0]: 10 : T
A[0] = 10 <==> A[0]: 10 : T
A[1] = 20 <==> A[1]: 20 : T
A[0] = 10 <==> A[1]: 20 : T
A[2] = 30 <==> A[2]: 30 : T
A[0] = 10 <==> A[2]: 30 : T
A[3] = 40 <==> A[3]: 40 : T
A[0] = 10 <==> A[3]: 40 : T
A[3] = 40 <==> A[4]: 11 : F
A[4] = 11 <==> A[4]: 11 : F
A[5] = 100 <==> A[5]: 100 : T
A[5] = 100 <==> A[5]: 100 : T
A[6] = 150 <==> A[6]: 150 : T
A[5] = 100 <==> A[6]: 150 : T
A[6] = 150 <==> A[7]: 101 : F
A[7] = 101 <==> A[7]: 101 : F
A[6] = 150 <==> A[8]: 125 : F
A[8] = 125 <==> A[8]: 125 : F
A[5] = 100 : F                 <-- The index is right... but isPart is wrong

Not Partitioned >:/

I would really like to be able to sleep tonight so any tips/hints/ideas/etc would be very, very appreciated.

Woo! @Amit helped me solve my issue, here is my updated function:

int partIdx2(const int* A, int n) {

    int* max = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
    int* min = malloc(n * sizeof(int));

    for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
        if(i==0) {
            max[i] = A[i];
            min[n - 1] = A[n-1];
        else {
            max[i] = MAX(max[i-1], A[i]);
            min[n - 1 - i] = MIN(min[n - 1 - i + 1], A[n - 1 - i]);

    for(int i=1; i < n-1; i++) {
        if(A[i] >= max[i-1] && A[i] <= min[i+1]) { 
            return i; 


    return -1;
like image 506
George Mitchell Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 14:08

George Mitchell

People also ask

How does the quicksort partition an array?

Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It works by selecting a 'pivot' element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, according to whether they are less than or greater than the pivot. For this reason, it is sometimes called partition-exchange sort.

Why is partitioning operation important in quicksort explain with an example?

The key process in quickSort is a partition(). The target of partitions is, given an array and an element x of an array as the pivot, put x at its correct position in a sorted array and put all smaller elements (smaller than x) before x, and put all greater elements (greater than x) after x.

How many times is partition called in quicksort?

Partition is called n times – The pivot element x is not included in any recursive calls. One call of Partition takes O(1) time plus time proportional to the number of iterations of FOR-loop.

What happens when quicksort algorithm performs its worst case?

When Does the Worst Case of Quicksort Occur? elements. Similarly, when the given input array is sorted reversely and we choose the rightmost element as the pivot element, the worst case occurs. Again, in this case, the pivot elements will split the input array into two unbalanced arrays.

2 Answers

An O(n) time + space solution would be to have two arrays, max and min.

max[i] = max{arr[0],arr[1],...,arr[i]}
min[i] = min{arr[i],arr[i+1],...,arr[n-1]}

Note that you can create both arrays with linear time.

After you have these arrays, you need to find if there is an index k such that:

arr[k] >= max[k-1] && arr[k] <= min[k+1]

This can be done in linear time as well

This works, because if the above holds, then each element after k is guaranteed to be higher or equals to arr[k], and each element before it is lower or equals arr[k], which is pretty much the definition of partition.

like image 184
amit Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09


Interesting problem

It seems to me that it must be possible to solve this without having to resort to extra buffer space.

We know that IF there is a pivot element, then

  • all elements to the left of the (unknown) pivot position are less than or equal to the pivot element
  • all elements to the right of the (unknown) pivot position are greater or equal to the pivot element

From this we know that

  • all elements to the left of the pivot are less or equal to any element to the right of the pivot, and
  • all elements to the right of the pivot are greater or equal to any element to the left of the pivot

A special case of this is that

  • all elements to the left of the pivot are less or equal to the right-most element
  • all elements to the right of the pivot are greater or equal to the left-most element

Using rationales like these, we should be able to recursively 'home in' on the pivot position, if there is one.


Set highest value found on low side to value of first element
Set lowest value found on high side to value of last element
Set low index to first element
Set high index to last element
  increment low index
  if low index >= array length -> fail
  if value at new low index > highest so far on the low side
    set new highest-on-low-side value
      if new value greater than lowest value so far on right side,
        set low index back to what it was and mark it as stuck
        set highest-on-low-side value back to what it was
  decrement high index
  if high index < 0 -> fail
  if value at new high index < lowest so far on the high side
    set new lowest-on-high-side value
      if new value less than the highest value so far on the left side,
        set high index back to what it was and mark it as stuck
        set lowest-on-high-side value back to what it was
until both low and high index is stuck or until low index >= high index
if low index = high index
  pivot position = low index

Here's an actual Pascal implementation that I used to briefly verify this idea with a handful of test inputs, but I don't have time to do a full-fledged verification at the moment.

function PivotIndex(a: array of integer): Integer;
  HighestValueOnLeftSide: Integer;
  LowestValueOnRightSide: Integer;
  LowIndex: Integer;
  HighIndex: Integer;
  LowStuck, HighStuck: Boolean;
  HighestValueOnLeftSide := -1;
  LowestValueOnRightSide := MaxInt;
  LowIndex := -1;
  HighIndex := length(a);
  LowStuck := False;
  HighStuck := False;
    if not LowStuck then begin
      if LowIndex >= length(A) then begin
        Result := -1;
      if A[LowIndex] > HighestValueOnLeftSide then
        if A[LowIndex] > LowestValueOnRightSide then begin
          LowStuck := True;
        end else
          HighestValueOnLeftSide := A[LowIndex];
    if not HighStuck then begin
      if HighIndex < 0 then begin
        Result := -1;
      if A[HighIndex] < LowestValueOnRightSide then
        if A[HighIndex] < HighestValueOnLeftSide then begin
          HighStuck := True;
        end else
          LowestValueOnRightSide := A[HighIndex];
  until LowStuck and HighStuck or (LowIndex >= HighIndex);
  if LowIndex = HighIndex then
    Result := LowIndex
    Result := -1;

I'm sure this can be made more elegant and efficient, but let me know if you see any immediate problems with it.

like image 45
500 - Internal Server Error Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

500 - Internal Server Error