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Algorithm for troubleshooting "Maven doesn't work for me" problems



One of the most common and annoying problems I encounter with Maven is the building process failing/passing depending on who, when and on which machine is executing the process.

More formally - in ideal world I would expect the build process to be repeatable. As a programmer I would say that I expect the build process to be like a pure function of source code and resources being build input and "an environment" - I would expect it to return the same result any time and anywhere I "evaluate" it using "fixed environment" and I expect (rather wish) that everyone in the team has the same "fixed environment".

In real world either "an environment" changes over time or varies between developer machines, possibly because it includes some dependencies one neither expects nor realizes.

What I am trying to achieve asking this question is finding/defining an algorithm/procedure or check list for troubleshooting not repeatable Maven build processes. Let assume we have two separate machines A and B with the same OS and that we are building exactly the same version of our application on them, but they give different results (for example one is successful and one fails). Where/how one should look for differences between these two "environments".

These are some steps I usually use:

  1. compare effective POMs obtained via mvn help:effective-pom
  2. compare mvn executable versions + other involved tools (for example jdk)
  3. compare environment settings (obtained under Windows using command line's set command)
  4. compare settings.xml files from user's home directories
  5. compare classpaths generated using mvn dependency:build-classpath
  6. delete repository or even both repositories

Any ideas what else can give valuable informations? Maybe there is a better way I am simply missing...

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kopper Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 11:04


1 Answers

Let's make toast American style: you burn, I'll scrape. --W. Edwards Deming.

Instead of looking for an algorithm to troubleshoot your non repeatable builds, fix the root cause, make them repeatable by following good practices (Maven builds are 100% repeatable if you use it right):

  • use the same version of Maven on all machines of a given project (distribute a packaged version)
  • use the same version of the JDK (at least the same version for a given project)
  • lock down plugins versions in your poms for build reproducibility
  • enforce the above rules using the Maven Enforcer Plugin
  • use a corporate repository (and only the corporate repository)
  • avoid making builds non portable by adding non user specific things in ~/.m2/settings.xml
  • put everything under version control (the effective pom should be identical on all machines)
  • run clean builds on a build machine (the reference)

I've used Maven in organizations with hundreds of developers without experiencing the problems you're describing. Actually, and I'm sorry to say that, the problems you are facing are not Maven's fault, they're just the result of poor development practices (I don't mean to be rude but that's true).

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Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09

Pascal Thivent