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Alembic: When autogenerating migrations how to ignore database tables by other products

I am using Alembic to manage migrations for a database. The same database is used by multiple Python packages and each of them have their own migration paths.

How I can tell Alembic to ignore tables from other packages when generating automatic migrations? For example when I run:

   alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration"

My migration Python file contains drop tables for other packages (not in the current Alembic env.py):

def upgrade():
    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###

I can manually edit migration file and remove drop_table() and create_table() entries, but this is manual error prone work. I'd rather avoid generating them in the first place.

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Mikko Ohtamaa Avatar asked Jul 03 '15 00:07

Mikko Ohtamaa

1 Answers

Full control over what objects autogenerate considers is here.

If you are trying to run autogenerate in such a way that it considers only individual MetaData objects at a time you probably want to add customization in your env.py file that takes advantage of the "X" argument. Use this argument to receive which sub-component you want to work on, and consult that within your include_object function to look at just the objects that are relevant to that sub-component.

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zzzeek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
