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Ajax helper tags documentation in Asp.net Core

Is there is any link for Ajax helper tags documentation in Asp.net Core. I am trying to learn ajax with asp.net core but i found no documentation for it. In asp.net mvc we use @Ajax.Form and then uses AjaxOptions method for work on ajax. After many hours search i found this link. https://dotnetthoughts.net/jquery-unobtrusive-ajax-helpers-in-aspnet-core/ In this link there is a way work with ajax in asp.net core. I implement it in my project and successful. Then i search for its documentation but i found nothing. I want its documentation link.Please anybody help for its documentation

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Zeeshan Safdar Avatar asked May 03 '18 06:05

Zeeshan Safdar

People also ask

What is a tag helper in ASP.NET Core?

A Tag Helper Component is a Tag Helper that allows you to conditionally modify or add HTML elements from server-side code. This feature is available in ASP.NET Core 2.0 or later. ASP.NET Core includes two built-in Tag Helper Components: head and body . They're located in the Microsoft. AspNetCore.

What are tag helpers in .NET Core explain built-in .NET core tag helpers briefly?

Tag helpers are a new feature and similar to HTML helpers, which help us render HTML. There are many built-in Tag Helpers for common tasks, such as creating forms, links, loading assets etc. Tag Helpers are authored in C#, and they target HTML elements based on the element name, the attribute name, or the parent tag.

What are Ajax helpers?

AJAX Helpers are used to create AJAX enabled elements like as Ajax enabled forms and links which performs request asynchronously. Using Ajax helper you can submit your HTML form using Ajax so that instead of refreshing the entire web page only a part of it can be refreshed.

What is the difference between HTML helper and tag helpers?

Unlike HtmlHelpers, a tag helper is a class that attaches itself to an HTML-compliant element in a View or Razor Page. The tag helper can, through its properties, add additional attributes to the element that a developer can use to customize the tag's behavior.

What are tag helpers in ASP NET Core?

ASP.NET Core has a number of built-in tag helpers that allow us to work with forms. To illustrate how tag helpers are used and why they are useful and simplify our HTML code significantly, we will create a basic form in a web application using ASP.NET Core MVC.

What is Ajax helper in MVC framework?

You know that MVC framework supports AJAX features. Like the HTML helper method ASP. NET MVC has a AJAX helper. Both the HTML helper method and AJAX helper method are used to create the HTML markup. These methods generate the form tag and anchor tag that points to the controller action method.

Which helper method generate the anchor tag in HTML and Ajax?

We have seen that both HTML helper and AJAX helper method generate the anchor tag, now the question is where to use the @HTML.ActionLink and @AJAX.ActionLink.

What is form tag helper in MVC?

The Form Tag Helper The Form Tag Helper: Generates the HTML <FORM> action attribute value for a MVC controller action or named route Generates a hidden Request Verification Token to prevent cross-site request forgery (when used with the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute in the HTTP Post action method)

3 Answers

There are no server-side helpers, like @Ajax.Form, in ASP.NET Core. You could probably write your own tag helpers for similar features but I haven’t seen anyone do this. The general idea is to write actual JavaScript when you want to have client-side behavior. Hiding these things behind server-side magic is usually not the best idea.

jquery-ajax-unobtrusive is a JavaScript package that adds client-side behavior to look for various attributes in the final rendered page to add functionality on top of your standard forms. So this would be a fully JavaScript-based solution.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be documentation about it. You can take a look at its source code to figure out what may or may not be possible.

jquery-ajax-unobtrusive documentation

From taking a quick look at the source (disclaimer: without testing the functionality myself), this seems to be the supported data attributes and available functionality of the package:

  • data-ajax="true" – To enable the functionality for a form.
  • data-ajax-update – Selector for the elements that are updated with the AJAX result, using the mode.
  • data-ajax-mode
    • data-ajax-mode="before" – Prepends the data to the element.
    • data-ajax-mode="after" – Appends the data to the element.
    • data-ajax-mode="replace-with" – Replaces the element with the data.
    • Otherwise sets the HTML content of the element to the data.
  • data-ajax-confirm – Message that is displayed to the user to confirm the form submission.
  • data-ajax-loading – Selector of element that is shown while loading.
  • data-ajax-loading-duration (default: 0) – Animation duration for show/hide of the loading element.
  • data-ajax-method – Allows overwriting the HTTP method for the AJAX request.
  • data-ajax-url – Allows overwriting the URL for the AJAX request.
  • data-ajax-cache – Set to other value than "true" to disable the jQuery AJAX cache parameter.
  • data-ajax-begin – Callback function before the request starts (arguments: xhr)
  • data-ajax-complete – Callback function when the request is completed (arguments: xhr, status)
  • data-ajax-success – Callback function when the request was successful (arguments: data, status, xhr)
  • data-ajax-failure – Callback function when the request failed (arguments: xhr, status, error)

The callback functions are the equivalent of jQuery’s beforeSend, complete, success, and failure. From how it looks, you can specify the callbacks using a JavaScript object path to the function.

For example data-ajax-success="foo.bar.onSuccess" will call the function foo.bar.onSuccess(), i.e. it will look for an object foo in the window, get its bar member, and call onSuccess on that.

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poke Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10




A simple solution to using links and ajax forms using Tag Helper in aspnet core

First, copy the AjaxTagHelper class from the Extensions folder to your project.

Second, copy the AjaxTagHelper.js file from js folder in wwwroot and add it to your project.

Then do the following: Open the viewImports file and add the following code

@using AjaxTagHelper.Extensions
@using AjaxTagHelper
@using AjaxTagHelper.Models
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
@addTagHelper *, AjaxTagHelper

To use Action Ajax, add the following code instead of the tag.

  <ajax-action ajax-action="Delete" ajax-controller="Home" ajax-data-id="@Model.Id"
                 class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ajax-success-func="SuccessDelete">

Use the following code to use AJAX to send the form to server.

<div class="row">
    <form id="frmCreate" class="col-sm-9">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-4 form-control">
                <input placeholder="Enter Name" name="Name" class="input-group" type="text" />
            <div class="col-sm-4 form-control">
                <input placeholder="Enter Family" name="Family" class="input-group" type="text" />
            <div class="col-sm-4 form-control">
                <input placeholder="Enter [email protected] " name="Email" class="input-group" type="email" />
    <div class="col-sm-3">
        <ajax-button ajax-controller="Home" ajax-action="Create" ajax-form-id="frmCreate" ajax-success-func="SuccessCreate"
                     class="btn btn-sm btn-success">

Finally, add the scripts you need to view it, check the code below

    function SuccessCreate(data) {

    function SuccessDelete(data) {
        $("#tr" + data.id).fadeOut();
<script src="~/js/AjaxHelper.js"></script>
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Behrouz Goudarzi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10

Behrouz Goudarzi

If you're looking for the old style Ajax helpers in Core, this Nuget package might help -


You can install it using -

PM> Install-Package AspNetCore.Unobtrusive.Ajax

This will enable you to use helpers like


Here's the github details. You can find more documentation in there.

Github Url to the project

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The Godfather Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10

The Godfather