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Ajax download pdf file with large data

I am trying to download large pdf file from server and server takes some time to generate pdf and respond so request showing as pending.

I need to show spinner when request starts and hide it when request is completed.

How can I accomplish this using JavaScript ASP.NET MVC.


Example controller looks like this:

public ActionResult DownloadFile()

        return File(@"C:\Temp2\HolidayInnReceipt.pdf", "application/pdf", "Report.pdf");



Here is sample project.

like image 252
Farukh Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 02:11


1 Answers

Add Below CSS

#overlay {
    position: fixed;
    display: none;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
    z-index: 99;
    cursor: pointer;

In Form Tag

 <button class="btn btn-default btn-lg" onclick="ConfirmDialog('Are you sure you want To Download?')">Download</button>
<br /><br />
<div id="overlay">
    <div id="text">
        <img src="~/assets/images/loadingimage.gif" style="width:5%;" /><span> &nbsp; Downloading....</span>
<label class="error-msg" style="color:green;" itemid="lblmsg"></label>

Script Tag

<script type="text/javascript">
    function ConfirmDialog(message) {

        var x = window.confirm(message)
        if (x) {
                url: '@Url.Action("YourMVC_Method", "Controller")',
                type: 'GET',
                contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
                success: function (result) {
                error: function (ex) {
        else {
    function on() {
        document.getElementById("overlay").style.display = "block";

    function off() {
        document.getElementById("overlay").style.display = "none";
like image 178
Aftab Lala Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Aftab Lala