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Aggregating in R over 80K unique ID's




Another novice question regarding big data. I'm working with a large dataset (3.5m rows) with time series data. I want to create a data.table with a column that finds the first time the unique identifier appears.

df is a data.table, df$timestamp is a date in class POSIXct, and df$id is the unique numeric identifier. I'm using the following code:

setkey(df, id)
sub_df<-df[,(min(timestamp)), by=list(id)] # Finding first timestamp for each unique ID

Here's the catch. I'm aggregating over 80k unique ID's. R is choking. Anything I can do to optimize my approach?

like image 350
roody Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 19:01


1 Answers

Here's a little code to test which behaviour takes a LOT of time

dt <- data.table(sample(seq(as.Date("2012-01-01"), as.Date("2013-12-31"), 
          by="days"), 1e5, replace=T), val=sample(1e4, 1e5, replace = T))

FUN1 <- function() {
    out <- dt[, min(dt$V1), by=val]  # min of entire V1 for each group i.e. wrong

FUN2 <- function() {
    out <- dt[, min(V1), by=val]     # min of V1 within group as intended

> benchmark(FUN1(), FUN2(), replications = 1, order="elapsed")
#     test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
# 2 FUN2()            1   0.271    1.000     0.242    0.002          0         0
# 1 FUN1()            1  38.378  141.616    32.584    4.153          0         0

It is very clear that FUN2() is blazing fast. Remember, in both cases, KEY wasn't set

like image 94
Arun Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
