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Advice For A Newbie About N-Tier Applications

Okay people, here's another one for ya'll:

I'm starting in the n-tier apps world. I've done some reading on the topic and general advice is that n-tier apps' objective is to abstract functionality tween layers. So, based on this, in a n-tiered app the regular model is:

Data Access -> Business Layer -> Presentation

Since I'm a .NET developer, I thought that to enhance integration with multiple client types (Silverlight, Web app or even a WinForms client) I should use WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) as data services at the business layer so clients can communicate to it regardless of its type. Also, I'm a huge fan of NHibernate as a ORM. So my structure goes like this:

Data Access (NHibernate) -> Business Layer (WCF) -> Presentation (WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms

Okay, so that is the setup. I'm a total newbie in this kind of approach, so I thought I could post here requesting for advice on this setup. Also, I'm very confused on how to setup this in a VS solution, I like to separate layers in different projects, but what about abstraction of data objects (like Customer, Order, etc.)? Do I put em in a separate library? And what about WCF? I know is a programmer's sin to transfer the data classes over the wire to the client. What's the professional's way to achieve this?

Thanks, any advice would be very appreciated.

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Luis Aguilar Avatar asked Dec 19 '10 17:12

Luis Aguilar

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N-tier data applications are data applications that are separated into multiple tiers. Also called "distributed applications" and "multitier applications", n-tier applications separate processing into discrete tiers that are distributed between the client and the server.

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N-tier application architecture provides a model by which developers can create flexible and reusable applications. By segregating an application into tiers, developers acquire the option of modifying or adding a specific tier, instead of reworking the entire application.

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The Disadvantages of the N-Tier DeploymentMore cost for hardware, network, maintenance and deployment because more hardware and better network bandwidth are needed.

1 Answers

That's pretty much on target. N-Tier is a bit more complex than N-Layer however, and can be contrasted by asking, "Are your layers actually living on separate physical servers?"

Depending on how complex your Business layer is, you might want to abstract it further between a Business and Service layer. Typically those two are tied very closely and live on the same physical server. The service layer often acts as a Facade to your BLL.

If you're Presentation layer is on the same server, than your ASP.NET or WinForms apps might want to communicate with the BLL without going through WCF services.

Read up on Microsoft Patterns & Practices - Application Architecture Guide.

Your Domain objects should live in their own assembly typically your domain model. According to Microsoft Framework Design Guidelines, it's good practice to name your project assemblies accordingly:


I happen to like this format of name-spacing and generally use:


Here is an example solution using solution folders to organize each project: alt text

In this example, I have a BLL and Service layer. The Service layer provides the actual implementation in a WCF Library while the Presentation actually contains the WCF Web application to host the services. It's always good practice to split up implementation from interface.

The /Client folder can be ignored, I just use that as a sample console app for testing. Any Client applications that consume your service should probably have their own solution or you're going to be managing a huge solution.

As for your data object being transferred over the wire... I'm assuming you mean the classes from your ORM. (Domain Model) You're correct its generally considered bad practice. The solution is using Data-Transfer Objects. You can see from the picture I have a .Dto library. If you're able to use tools like AutoMapper, than I'm all for it, however, adding DTO's to your solution brings with it further complexity and maintenance. I believe Dino Esposito wrote a good article on the subject. Will try to find it for you.

Hope this helps.


I should note, I'm unfamiliar with nHibernate's capabilities. There might be better solutions for using that ORM. I've only worked with Entity Framework.

[EDIT 2]

Check out Dino Esposito's - The Pros and Cons of Data Transfer Objects

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Daniel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
