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Advantages of anonymous mmap over malloc under memory pressure

I am running some large array processing code (on a Pentium running Linux). The sizes of the arrays are large enough for the processes to swap. So far it is working, probably because i try to keep my read and writes contiguous. However, I will soon need to handle larger arrays. In this scenario, would switching over to anonymous mmapped blocks help ?

If so would you please explain why.

In my shallow understanding, mmap implements a memory mapped file mounted from a tmpfs partition which under memory pressure would fall back to the swapping mechanism. What I would like to understand is how does mmap do it better than the standard malloc (for the sake or argument I am assuming that it is indeed better, I do not know if it is so).

Note: Please do not suggest getting a 64 bit and more RAM. That, unfortunately, is not an option.

like image 659
san Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 23:11


People also ask

Is mmap better than malloc?

Mmap is advantageous over malloc because memory used up by mmap is immediately returned to the OS. The memory used up by malloc is never returned unless there is a data segment break. This memory is specially kept to be reused.

What are the advantages of using mmap ()?

Advantages of mmap( ) Aside from any potential page faults, reading from and writing to a memory-mapped file does not incur any system call or context switch overhead. It is as simple as accessing memory. When multiple processes map the same object into memory, the data is shared among all the processes.

Why is mmap faster than malloc?

Almost always, memory is much faster than disk, and malloc is not what's costing time. The mmap code is faster because for your program, mmap has resulted in either less disk access, or more efficient disk access, than whatever reads and writes you compared against.

Does mmap consume RAM?

In computing, mmap(2) is a POSIX-compliant Unix system call that maps files or devices into memory. It is a method of memory-mapped file I/O. It implements demand paging because file contents are not read from disk directly and initially do not use physical RAM at all.

1 Answers

The memory that backs your malloc() allocations is handled by the kernel in much the same way as the memory that backs private anonymous mappings created with mmap(). In fact, for large allocations malloc() will create an anonymous mapping with mmap() to back it anyway, so you are unlikely to see much difference by explicitly using mmap() yourself.

At the end of the day, if your working set exceeds the physical memory size then you will need to use swap, and whether you use anonymous mappings created with mmap() or malloc() is not going to change that. The best thing you can do is to try and refactor your algorithm so that it has good locality of reference, which will reduce the extent to which swap hurts you.

You can also try to give the kernel some hints about your usage of the memory with the madvise() system call.

like image 185
caf Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10
