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C++ class member function pointer to function pointer

I am using luabind as my lua to C++ wrapper. Luabind offers a method to use my own callback function to handle exceptions thrown by lua, set_pcall_callback(). So I paraphrased an example from the documentation, the changes being the logger->log() function and putting the function in a class called 'Engine', so instead of it being a regular global function it is now a member function, which is where my problem seems to be.

Here are the relevant code snips:

class Engine //Whole class not shown for brevity
    void Run();
    int pcall_log(lua_State*);
    ILogger *logger;

lua_State* L = lua_open();
luabind::set_pcall_callback(&Engine::pcall_log); //<--- Problem line
//etc...rest of the code not shown for brevity

int Engine::pcall_log(lua_State *L)
lua_Debug d;
lua_getstack( L,1,&d);
lua_getinfo( L, "Sln", &d);
lua_pop(L, 1);
stringstream ss;
ss << d.short_src;
ss << ": ";
ss << d.currentline;
ss << ": ";
if ( d.name != 0)
    ss << d.namewhat;
    ss << " ";
    ss << d.name;
    ss << ") ";
ss << lua_tostring(L, -1);
return 1;

Here is what the compiler says during compilation:

C:\pb\engine.cpp|31|error: cannot convert 'int (Engine::*)(lua_State*)' to 'int (*)(lua_State*)' for argument '1' to 'void luabind::set_pcall_callback(int (*)(lua_State*))'|

So it seems that the error is that the function expects a regular function pointer, not a class member function pointer. Is there a way to cast or use an intermediate function pointer to pass to the set_pcall_callback() function?

Thank you!

like image 403
Brian Avatar asked Aug 02 '11 07:08


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1 Answers

No. A member function is not a free function. The type is entirely different, and a pointer to a member function (PTMF) is a completely different, incompatible object from a function pointer. (A PTMF is usually much bigger, for example.) Most importantly a pointer-to-member must always be used together with an instance pointer to the object whose member you want to call, so you cannot even use a PTMF the same way you use a function pointer.

The easiest solution for interacting with C code is to write a global wrapper function that dispatches your call, or to make your member function static (in which case it becomes essentially a free function):

// global!

Engine * myEngine;
int theCallback(lua_State * L)
  return myEngine->pcall_log(L);

  /* ... */
  myEngine = this;
  /* ... */

The conceptual problem here is that you have an engine class, although you will practically only have one single instance of it. For a genuine class with many objects, a PTMF wouldn't make sense because you'd have to specify which object to use for the call, whereas your engine class perhaps is essentially a singleton class which could be entirely static (i.e. a glorified namespace).

like image 197
Kerrek SB Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Kerrek SB