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Advanced javascript guidance

I'm looking to improve the standard of my javascript as I'm moving beyond simple AJAX forms towards much richer interactions and it's quickly getting out of hand.

There's lots of resources about how to write proper javascript, many of the best are from Douglas Crockford, but very little about relevant design patterns and how to implement them.

Do you know of any resource, books or blogs, on how to produce and manage non-trivial javascript applications?

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Garry Shutler Avatar asked Dec 17 '09 10:12

Garry Shutler

People also ask

Can I master JavaScript in 3 months?

However, unlike CSS and HTML, JavaScript is not something that can be aced in just two weeks. But, it can be done in just three months! Most employers will be happy to hire you as their web developers if you just master some of the JavaScript basics. Of course, learning never stops.

Is it worth learning JavaScript in 2022?

1) It's the most popular programming language We start our list with possibly the most significant reason! According to Stackoverflow.com, JavaScript is the most popular programming language used by professional developers today. Even back-end developers choose JavaScript more often than not.

Can I learn JavaScript in 3 weeks?

But unlike HTML and CSS, it's not a language you can ace in a few weeks, or even a few months. So how long does it really take to become a JavaScript expert? Here's the short answer: most programmers agree that it takes six to nine months to develop a working proficiency in JavaScript.

1 Answers

I plan to read Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig as well as his upcoming Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja.

Also, in my mind, "advanced" and "JavaScript" are often associated with Dean Edwards.

EDIT: it's not strictly devoted to JavaScript, though I'm also learning a lot from 24ways.org

EDIT2: from time to time, gems also pop up from Simon Willison's feed: today Dean's getElementsByTagName() implementation and John's jQuery.require().

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Gregory Pakosz Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11

Gregory Pakosz