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Passing parameters to a prototyped function in javascript

I've been recently experimenting with prototyping in javascript and I can't figure out why the following code doesn't work. What I would like to do is create a new instance of cheese with parameter n.

function food(n) {
function cheese(n) {
cheese.prototype=new food;
new cheese('paramesian');
like image 648
Kenneth Avatar asked Nov 29 '09 00:11


People also ask

How parameters are passed to functions in JavaScript?

Arguments are Passed by Value The parameters, in a function call, are the function's arguments. JavaScript arguments are passed by value: The function only gets to know the values, not the argument's locations. If a function changes an argument's value, it does not change the parameter's original value.

How can I pass multiple parameters in JavaScript function?

When you call a function in JavaScript, you can pass in any number of arguments, regardless of what the function declaration specifies. There is no function parameter limit. In the above function, if we pass any number of arguments, the result is always the same because it will take the first two parameters only.

Can JavaScript function accept parameters?

A JavaScript function can have any number of parameters. The 3 functions above were called with the same number of arguments as the number of parameters. But you can call a function with fewer arguments than the number of parameters. JavaScript does not generate any errors in such a case.

Can I pass object as parameter JavaScript?

We can pass an object to a JavaScript function, but the arguments must have the same names as the Object property names.

1 Answers

You are creating a new Cheese instance, and the argument n is never used or assigned to the Cheese instance variable this.n, because that logic is only used on the Food constructor.

You can do a couple of things:

1 . Apply the Food constructor inside the Cheese function, using the arguments object and the newly created context (this).

function Food(n) {

function Cheese(n) {
    Food.apply (this, arguments);

new Cheese('paramesian');

2 . Repeat the Food constructor logic (this.n = n) on the Cheese constructor function:

function Food(n) {

function Cheese(n) {
    this.n = n;

Cheese.prototype = new Food();
new Cheese('paramesian');

3 . Use another technique, like power constructors:

function food (n) {
  var instance = {};
  instance.n = n;

  return instance;

function cheese (n) {
  var instance = food(n);

  return instance;


4 . Yet another option, prototypal inheritance:

// helper function
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
  Object.create = function (o) {
    function F () {}
    F.prototype = o;
    return new F();

var food = {
  n: "base food",
  showName : function () { alert(this.n); }

var cheese1 = Object.create(food);
cheese1.n = 'parmesian';
cheese1.showName(); // method exists only in 'food'
like image 134
Christian C. Salvadó Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Christian C. Salvadó