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ADO.NET vs ADO.NET Entity Framework

What is faster - ADO.NET or ADO.NET Entity Framework?

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Alexandre Avatar asked Mar 06 '11 12:03


People also ask

Is ADO.NET the same as Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework is a set of technologies in ADO.NET that support the development of data-oriented software applications.

Should I learn ADO.NET or Entity Framework?

Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications. ADO.Net seems to refer directly to the technology for data sets and data tables. Microsoft recommends us to use the Entity Framework over the ADO.NET or LINQ to SQL for all the new development.

Can we use ADO.NET and Entity Framework?

Entity Framework is the development of data-oriented applications using ADO.NET. Entity Framework solves problems in entity models, relationships, and business logic. Also, it works with data engines. This means Entity Framework is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework.

What is the difference between .NET framework and Entity Framework?

These are 2 different things as mentioned before. Entity Framework is an ORM -> a Mapper to help you get data. asp.net is a framework to STRUCTURE your project ,with Objects and Classes, not related to entity.

2 Answers

Nothing is faster than an ADO.NET datareader.
Entity framework also uses this in "the basement".

However entitity framework helps you to map from database to objects..
With ADO.NET you have to do that yourself.
It depends on how you program it how fast it is..

When you use ADO.NET datatables as "objects". They are a bit slower and memory hungry than plain objects..

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Julian de Wit Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Julian de Wit

As Julian de Wit says nothing is faster than ADO.NET DataReaders. ADO.NET Entity Framework is a wrapper to the old ADO.NET. It is pure Provider independent, ORM and EDL System. It gives us a lot of benefits that we have had to hand craft or "copy & paste" in the past.

Another benefit that comes with it is that is completely Provider independent. Even if you like the old ADO.NET mechanism or you are a dinosaur like me(:P) you can use the Entity Framework using the EntityClient like SqlClient, MySqlClient and use the power of Entity-Sql witch is provider independent. I Know that with ADO.NET you can write a data access Layer and the DataReaders etc can be "independent" but you have steal have Queries that are provider specific.

On the other hand,in an enterprise application you may never want to change the data provider. But as the technology grows, always new needs arise and you may want have to alter the database schema.

When it happens with the old ADO.NET Framework we have to refactor alot of code which is less than maintainable, no matter how we reuse the code.

The performance will be affected but with all these cache technologies out there we can overcome this.

As i always say, "The C is fast, the Assembly even more...but we use C#/VB.NET/Java"

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Sanosay Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
