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How to get ObjectSet<T>'s entity key name?

I've created a generic ObjectSet<T> in my generic repository.

What I would like to get is the name of the EntityKey of ObjectSet<T> so that I can use it in the DataContext.GetObjectByKey.

I've searched around and dug deep, but I can't seem to find this value anywhere in the ObjectSet class.

like image 776
Omar Avatar asked Jul 25 '10 06:07


People also ask

What is ObjectSet in entity Framework?

Represents a typed entity set that is used to perform create, read, update, and delete operations.

What is entity key type?

An entity key is a property or a set of properties of an entity type that are used to determine identity. The properties that make up an entity key are chosen at design time. The values of entity key properties must uniquely identify an entity type instance within an entity set at run time.

What is ObjectSet?

The ObjectSet<TEntity> class extends the functionality of the ObjectQuery<T> class to provide object context functionality, such as adding and deleting objects, in the context of a typed entity set that is accessed from the ObjectContext.

2 Answers

I looked a while ago for a nice way to do this and failed to find one. I generally end up building a GetEntityByKey extension method somewhere and within that, contatenating strings to build Entity Keys for TryGetObjectByKey calls. The general idea for building the entity key goes something like this:

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var dc = new AdventureWorksLT2008Entities();
        object c;
        dc.TryGetObjectByKey(GetEntityKey(dc.Customers, 23), out c);
        var customer = c as Customer;

    private static EntityKey GetEntityKey<T>(ObjectSet<T> objectSet, object keyValue) where T : class
        var entitySetName = objectSet.Context.DefaultContainerName + "." + objectSet.EntitySet.Name;
        var keyPropertyName = objectSet.EntitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers[0].ToString();
        var entityKey = new EntityKey(entitySetName, new[] {new EntityKeyMember(keyPropertyName, keyValue)});
        return entityKey;

You may be able to do something similar. This example assumes a single field per EntityKey for simplicity - for multiple value keys you would need to do something slightly more sophisticated with ObjectSet<T>.ElementType.KeyMembers and pass all your keys into the EntityKey constructor.

like image 88
Steve Willcock Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Steve Willcock


public class GenericoRepositorio<T> : IGenericoRepositorio<T> where T : class
    protected readonly ObjectSet<T> ObjetoSet;
    protected readonly ModeloContainer Contexto;

    public GenericoRepositorio(ModeloContainer contexto)
        Contexto = contexto;
        ObjetoSet = Contexto.CreateObjectSet<T>();

    public T Carregar(int id)
        object objeto;
        Contexto.TryGetObjectByKey(GetEntityKey(ObjetoSet, id), out objeto);
        return (T)objeto;

    private static EntityKey GetEntityKey<T>(ObjectSet<T> objectSet, object keyValue) where T : class
        var entitySetName = objectSet.Context.DefaultContainerName + "." + objectSet.EntitySet.Name;
        var keyPropertyName = objectSet.EntitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers[0].ToString();
        var entityKey = new EntityKey(entitySetName, new[] { new EntityKeyMember(keyPropertyName, keyValue) });
        return entityKey;
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Edmilson Lani Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Edmilson Lani