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ADO.NET Entity Connection String for Multiple Projects

I am using multiple layer project where the DataModel hosts the ADo.NET Entity model and DataAccess layer does the validation.

However everytime I get a error like this

The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid.

I have tried connection strings

<add name="SalesEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/SalesEntities.csdl|res://*/SalesEntities.ssdl|res://*/SalesEntities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Phoenix;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />


<add name="SalesEntities" connectionString="metadata=.\SalesEntities.csdl|.\SalesEntities.ssdl|.\SalesEntities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Phoenix;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

also tried other combinations to refer the Root Directory of the Called project directory but no luck.

Any help is highly appreciated. Many Thanks as always :).

like image 415
Sumanta Avatar asked Jul 11 '09 09:07


People also ask

Which is the correct connection string format in Ado net?

The basic format of a connection string includes a series of keyword/value pairs separated by semicolons. The equal sign (=) connects each keyword and its value. The following table lists the valid names for keyword values within the ConnectionString. The name of the application, or '.

What is connection string providerName?

The providerName attribute is used to set the name of the .NET Framework data provider that the DataSource control uses to connect to an underlying data source. If no provider is set, the default is the ADO.NET provider for Microsoft SQL Server.

Where should you store the connection string information?

Connection strings in configuration files are typically stored inside the <connectionStrings> element in the app. config for a Windows application, or the web. config file for an ASP.NET application.

2 Answers

You have to put those connection strings in each applications app.config file. If you have a DAL that you generated the model in, and then try to consume the DAL in an EXE the same thing will happen. The EXE does not know the connection string.

The easiest thing I have found is to put an app.config on each project and just copy the connection string from the DAL I generated the models in originally. Then each will have a copy of that same connection string.

like image 152
Jason Short Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

Jason Short

If you copy your App.Config file into the main project and replace all the &quot; with the normal ' character it should run

like image 32
keith Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09
