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Adobe Air and .NET





I Adobe Air completly JavaScript? Can't I use a .NET language like VB.NET or C#.NET?


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Saif Khan Avatar asked Oct 04 '08 21:10

Saif Khan

People also ask

Can you still use Adobe AIR?

Adobe will provide basic security support – limited to security fixes only for desktop platforms (Windows 7 and above, and Mac OS X) – for Adobe AIR v32 until the end of 2020. After that time, Adobe support for AIR will be discontinued and ongoing support will be managed by HARMAN and communicated by them directly.

What programming language does Adobe AIR use?

Adobe AIR uses Adobe Flash Player as a runtime environment, and the programming language used to design it is ActionScript 3.

What is Adobe AIR framework?

Adobe® AIR® is a multi-operating system, multi-screen runtime that allows you to leverage your web development skills to build and deploy rich Internet applications (RIAs) to the desktop and mobile devices.

What is Adobe AIR used for and do I need it?

Adobe AIR is used by developers to create web apps that can be used on different operating systems. The Rich Internet Applications developed using Adobe AIR can be used without a web browser. The user just has to install Adobe AIR on his computer to run such RIAs.

2 Answers

As the official answer states, Adobe Air does not support .Net languages. If you are looking for something similar for Windows desktop programming that does support .Net I would suggest WPF. The WPF Unleashed book is pretty good if you want to come up to speed quickly.

WPF is build into .Net 3.0 and 3.5, and runs on WinXP SP2, Vista, and Win2k3 and Win2k8 Servers.

Note: This was written when another answer was marked as the accepted "official" answer.

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Jason Jackson Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

Jason Jackson

You cant use .net language directly in Adobe AIR apps (at least not yet). The best solution is to proxy calls between the AIR app and .net code:


mike chambers


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mikechambers Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09
