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Adjusting the threshold in Canny edge algorithm

I wanted to try my hand at text recognition, so i've used opencv to trace out the edges and c++ to find slopes, curves etc, the edge algorithm works well on big and uncluttered sets of characters but when it comes against small printed text or text with a lot of background noise like embedded in captcha it struggles and looks incomplete, my guess was i hadn't set the threshold values correctly and tried different values with no success.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here is my code :

#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
using namespace cv;
const int low_threshold  = 50;
const int high_threshold = 150;

int main()

    IplImage* newImg; 
    IplImage* grayImg; 
    IplImage* cannyImg; 

    newImg = cvLoadImage("ocv.bmp",1);

    grayImg = cvCreateImage( cvSize(newImg->width, newImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );

    cvCvtColor( newImg, grayImg, CV_BGR2GRAY );
    cannyImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(newImg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

    cvCanny(grayImg, cannyImg, low_threshold, high_threshold, 3);
    cvNamedWindow   ("Source", 1);
    cvNamedWindow   ("Destination",1);
    cvShowImage     ("Source", newImg );
    cvShowImage     ("Destination", cannyImg );
    cvDestroyWindow ("Source" );
    cvDestroyWindow ("Destination" );
    cvReleaseImage  (&newImg );
    cvReleaseImage  (&grayImg );
    cvReleaseImage  (&cannyImg );

return 0;


I've looked across the net and have seen some complicated thresholding conditions like in this code from this site :

% Set direction to either 0, 45, -45 or 90 depending on angle.
for i=1:x-1,
    for j=1:y-1,
        if ((gradAngle(i,j)>67.5 && gradAngle(i,j)<=90) || (gradAngle(i,j)>=-90 && gradAngle(i,j)<=-67.5)) 
        elseif ((gradAngle(i,j)>22.5 && gradAngle(i,j)<=67.5))
        elseif ((gradAngle(i,j)>-22.5 && gradAngle(i,j)<=22.5))
        elseif ((gradAngle(i,j)>-67.5 && gradAngle(i,j)<=-22.5))

If this is the solution can somebody provide me the c++ equivalent of this algorithm, if it's not what else can i do ?

like image 413
Gambit King Avatar asked Jul 07 '12 18:07

Gambit King

People also ask

How do you set the threshold in canny edge detection?

The Canny edge detection algorithm can be broken down into 5 steps: Step 1: Smooth the image using a Gaussian filter to remove high frequency noise. Step 2: Compute the gradient intensity representations of the image. Step 3: Apply non-maximum suppression to remove “false” responses to to edge detection.

What is threshold value in Canny edge detector?

The 'Canny' method uses two thresholds. For example, if the threshold is [0.1 0.15] then the edge pixels above the upper limit(0.15) are considered and edge pixels below the threshold(0.1) are discarded. Now, you may have a question "what about the pixels in between upper and lower threshold"?

What is the purpose of the two thresholds used in Edge tracking by the Canny edge detector what guidelines should be followed when setting the thresholds?

Now you can see what the double thresholds holds for: High threshold is used to identify the strong pixels (intensity higher than the high threshold) Low threshold is used to identify the non-relevant pixels (intensity lower than the low threshold)

How is hysteresis thresholding used in the Canny edge detector?

The thresholder used in the Canny operator uses a method called "hysteresis". Most thresholders used a single threshold limit, which means if the edge values fluctuate above and below this value the line will appear broken (commonly referred to as ``streaking'').

1 Answers

Canny edge detector is a multi-step detector using hysteresis thresholding (it uses two threshold instead of one), and edge tracking (your last snippet is the part of this step). I suggest reading the wikipedia entry first. One possible solution could be to choose the high threshold, so e.g. 70% of the image pixels would be classified as edge (initially - you could do this quickly using histograms), than choose the low threshold as e.g. 40% of the high threshold. It might be a good idea to try to perform edge detection on image block rather than the whole image, so your algorithm could calculate different thresholds for different areas.

Note that CAPTCHA-s are designed to be hard to segment, and adding noise that broke edge detection is one technique to achive this (you might need to smooth the image first).

like image 169
WebMonster Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
