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Adjacency List to JSON graph with Postgres

I have the following schema for the tags table:

    id integer NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    parent_id integer

I need to build a query to return the following structure (here represented as yaml for readability):

- name: Ciencia
  id: 7
  - name: Química
    parent_id: 7
    id: 9
    children: []
  - name: Biología
    parent_id: 7
    id: 8
    - name: Botánica
      parent_id: 8
      id: 19
      children: []
    - name: Etología
      parent_id: 8
      id: 18
      children: []

After some trial and error and looking for similar questions in SO, I've came up with this query:

    WITH RECURSIVE tagtree AS (
      SELECT tags.name, tags.parent_id, tags.id, json '[]' children
      FROM tags
      WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tags tt WHERE tt.parent_id = tags.id)


      SELECT (tags).name, (tags).parent_id, (tags).id, array_to_json(array_agg(tagtree)) children FROM (
        SELECT tags, tagtree
        FROM tagtree
        JOIN tags ON tagtree.parent_id = tags.id
      ) v
      GROUP BY v.tags

    SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(tagtree)) json
    FROM tagtree
    WHERE parent_id IS NULL

But it returns the following results when converted to yaml:

- name: Ciencia
  id: 7
  - name: Química
    parent_id: 7
    id: 9
    children: []
- name: Ciencia
  id: 7
  - name: Biología
    parent_id: 7
    id: 8
    - name: Botánica
      parent_id: 8
      id: 19
      children: []
    - name: Etología
      parent_id: 8
      id: 18
      children: []

The root node is duplicated. I could merge the results to the expected result in my app code but I feel I am close and it could be done al from PG.

Here's an example with SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/1846e/1/0

Expected output: https://gist.github.com/maca/e7002eb10f36fcdbc51b

Actual output: https://gist.github.com/maca/78e84fb7c05ff23f07f4

like image 289
Macario Avatar asked Dec 12 '14 07:12


1 Answers

i was finding same solution and may be this example could be useful for anyone

tested on Postgres 10 with table with same structure

table with columns: id, name and pid as parent_id

create or replace function get_c_tree(p_parent int8) returns setof jsonb as $$

      when count(x) > 0 then jsonb_build_object('id', c.id, 'name', c.name,  'children', jsonb_agg(f.x))
      else jsonb_build_object('id', c.id, 'name', c.name, 'children', null)
  from company c left join get_c_tree(c.id) as f(x) on true
  where c.pid = p_parent or (p_parent is null and c.pid is null)
  group by c.id, c.name;

$$ language sql;

select jsonb_agg(get_c_tree) from get_c_tree(null::int8);
like image 170
Pavel Tsvetkov Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Pavel Tsvetkov