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Adding Zooming in and out with a Tkinter Canvas Widget?

How would I add zooming in and out to the following script, i'd like to bind it to the mousewheel. If you're testing this script on linux don't forget to change the MouseWheel event to Button-4 and Button-5.

from Tkinter import * 
import Image, ImageTk

class GUI:
    def __init__(self,root):
        frame = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)

        frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        xscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL)
        xscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W)
        yscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame)
        yscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+S)
        self.canvas = Canvas(frame, bd=0, xscrollcommand=xscrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=yscrollbar.set, xscrollincrement = 10, yscrollincrement = 10)
        self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W)


        self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(File))
        self.canvas.create_image(0,0,image=self.img, anchor="nw")


        self.canvas.bind("<Button 3>",self.grab)

    def grab(self,event):
        self._y = event.y
        self._x = event.x

    def drag(self,event):
        if (self._y-event.y < 0): self.canvas.yview("scroll",-1,"units")
        elif (self._y-event.y > 0): self.canvas.yview("scroll",1,"units")
        if (self._x-event.x < 0): self.canvas.xview("scroll",-1,"units")
        elif (self._x-event.x > 0): self.canvas.xview("scroll",1,"units")
        self._x = event.x
        self._y = event.y

    def zoom(self,event):
        if event.delta>0: print "ZOOM IN!"
        elif event.delta<0: print "ZOOM OUT!"

root = Tk()   
like image 232
Symon Avatar asked Mar 25 '11 18:03


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What does Mainloop () do in tkinter?

mainloop() tells Python to run the Tkinter event loop. This method listens for events, such as button clicks or keypresses, and blocks any code that comes after it from running until you close the window where you called the method.

Is canvas a widget in tkinter?

Introduction. The Canvas widget supplies graphics facilities for Tkinter. Among these graphical objects are lines, circles, images, and even other widgets. With this widget it's possible to draw graphs and plots, create graphics editors, and implement various kinds of custom widgets.

Can you put a canvas in a frame tkinter?

You can also add a border to the canvas, but there is one small problem - it sits inside the canvas coordinate system which means you can't draw in the space it occupies. The best solution is don't use a border but place the canvas in a frame and give the frame a boarder.

2 Answers

Just for other's benefit who find this question I'm attaching my neer final test code which uses picture in picture/magnifying glass zooming. Its basically just an alteration to what samplebias already posted. It's also very cool to see as well :).

As I said before, if you're using this script on linux don't forget to change the MouseWheel event to Button-4 and Button-5. And you obviously need to insert a .JPG path where it says "INSERT JPG FILE PATH".

from Tkinter import *
import Image, ImageTk

class LoadImage:
    def __init__(self,root):
        frame = Frame(root)
        self.canvas = Canvas(frame,width=900,height=900)
        File = "INSERT JPG FILE PATH"
        self.orig_img = Image.open(File)
        self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.orig_img)
        self.canvas.create_image(0,0,image=self.img, anchor="nw")

        self.zoomcycle = 0
        self.zimg_id = None


    def zoomer(self,event):
        if (event.delta > 0):
            if self.zoomcycle != 4: self.zoomcycle += 1
        elif (event.delta < 0):
            if self.zoomcycle != 0: self.zoomcycle -= 1

    def crop(self,event):
        if self.zimg_id: self.canvas.delete(self.zimg_id)
        if (self.zoomcycle) != 0:
            x,y = event.x, event.y
            if self.zoomcycle == 1:
                tmp = self.orig_img.crop((x-45,y-30,x+45,y+30))
            elif self.zoomcycle == 2:
                tmp = self.orig_img.crop((x-30,y-20,x+30,y+20))
            elif self.zoomcycle == 3:
                tmp = self.orig_img.crop((x-15,y-10,x+15,y+10))
            elif self.zoomcycle == 4:
                tmp = self.orig_img.crop((x-6,y-4,x+6,y+4))
            size = 300,200
            self.zimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(tmp.resize(size))
            self.zimg_id = self.canvas.create_image(event.x,event.y,image=self.zimg)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tk()
    root.title("Crop Test")
    App = LoadImage(root)
like image 102
Symon Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09


  1. Advanced zoom example, based on tiles. Like in Google Maps.
  2. Simplified zoom example, based on resizing the whole image.
like image 24
FooBar167 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
