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Installing OSQA on windows (local system)

I want to install OSQA on a local Windows system. I've downloaded bitnami-djangostack-1.1.1-2-windows-installer.exe, which has django, python, mysql and apache built in.

I've run a django example given on the django website and it's working fine.

But I'm confused how to install OSAQ. I've downloaded the source code from the OSQA site and read the installation instructions (it requires django 1.1.1), but I can't make it work.

like image 896
Pankaj Khurana Avatar asked Apr 30 '10 10:04

Pankaj Khurana

4 Answers

  1. Download http://svn.osqa.net/svnroot/osqa/trunk to a folder {OSQA_ROOT} eg, c:\osqa

  2. Rename {OSQA_ROOT}\settings_local.py.dist to {OSQA_ROOT}\settings_local.py

  3. set following in {OSQA_ROOT}\settings_local.py

    DATABASE_NAME = 'osqa'             # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
    DATABASE_USER = 'root'               # Not used with sqlite3.
    DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'PASSWD'               # Not used with sqlite3.  put bitnami here
    DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql'  #mysql, etc
    • Default MySQL credentials in bitnami are: -u root -p bitnami

  4. add following {DJANGOSTACK}\apps\django\conf\django.conf, / means root folder like http://localhost

    <location '/'>
        SetHandler python-program
        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
        PythonPath "['{OSQA_ROOT}'] + sys.path"
        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE osqa.settings
        PythonDebug On
  5. instasll markdown2 and html5lib with easy_install.exe, which is inside {DJANGOSTACK}\python\Scripts\

    easy_install markdown2
    easy_install html5lib
  6. create new db called osqa with mysqladmin.exe which is in {DJANGOSTACK}\mysql\bin

    mysqladmin create osqa
  7. syncdb

    {DJANGOSTACK}\python\python.exe manage.py syncdb
    • manage.py is in apps\django\django\conf\project_template as of 5/8/11
    • You must update settings.py with mysql, root, and bitnami (pw), and osqa as db name

  8. enjoy!

alt text http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/723/osqabitnamidjangostack.png


  • {OSQA_ROOT} => osqa trunk directory
  • {DJANGOSTACK} => BitNami DjangoStack install directory
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YOU Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 10:11


You can download a Windows installer here:


Just tried it and it works great, the installer prompts for the information it needs and at the end it will launch the site, and it all just works! 10/10

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musefan Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 11:11


Please check this very simple guide: Installing OSQA on Windows with IIS in production

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Yaroslav Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 09:11



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user341312 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 10:11
