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Adding time to a running slurm job



I have a job running a linux machine managed by slurm. Now that the job is running for a few hours I realize that I underestimated the time required for it to finish and thus the value of the --time argument I specified is not enough. Is there a way to add time to an existing running job through slurm?

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user1701545 Avatar asked Feb 09 '15 15:02


People also ask

How do I know if my job is running in SLURM?

You can see all jobs running under the account by running squeue -A account_name and then find out more information on each job by scontrol show job <jobid> . ReqNodeNotAvail - If you have requested a specific node and it is currently scheduled you can get this job code.

How many jobs can SLURM handle?

Please note that the hard maximum number of jobs that the SLURM scheduler can handle is 10000. It is best to limit your number of submitted jobs at any given time to less than half this amount in the case that another user also wants to submit a large number of jobs.

How do I get my SLURM employment history?

Job information Information on all running and pending batch jobs managed by SLURM can be obtained from the SLURM command squeue . Note that information on completed jobs is only retained for a limited period. Information on jobs that ran in the past is via. sacct An example of the output squeue is shown below.

1 Answers

Use the scontrol command to modify a job

scontrol update jobid=<job_id> TimeLimit=<new_timelimit>

Use the SLURM time format, eg. for 8 days 15 hours: TimeLimit=8-15:00:00

Requires admin privileges, on some machines.

Will be allowed to users only if the job is not running yet, on most machines.

like image 72
Carles Fenoy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10

Carles Fenoy