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Adding months to a date in PostgreSQL shows syntax error

I am using Postgres 9.0 version. I want to add some months to a date to calculate the new date and update in a table. Here the number of months to be added will be in integer variable. My code is as follows:

declare numberofmonths smallint = 5; update salereg1 set expdate = current_date + interval cast(numberofmonths as text) month; 

The above code shows syntax error at cast. I don't know how to specify the numberofmonths variable as text.. can anyone help me. what is the mistake I did..

like image 845
Haji Avatar asked Sep 17 '13 13:09


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1 Answers

Try something like:

update salereg1  set expdate = current_date + interval '1 month' * numberofmonths; 
like image 82
Ihor Romanchenko Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09

Ihor Romanchenko