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Adding Google Maps to a RecyclerView

I have added the map view inside the RecyclerView alongside other types of list items but now ... how and where do I initialize the map, where do I listen for onMapReady so that I can place a marker afterwards, and how do I handle the recycling of the item ?

Any ideas what the best practice is in this situation ?

like image 873
AndreiBogdan Avatar asked Jul 06 '18 11:07


3 Answers

There are two possible ways, to do this thing,
one is Google Static Maps API using, which will give you the snapshot of the map.

Another is, you can use com.google.android.gms.maps.MapView inside of recycler item and initialize in your viewholder like below,

public class AdapterWithMap extends RecyclerView.Adapter<AdapterWithMap.CustomeHolder> {

        public void onBindViewHolder(CustomeHolder holder, int position)
            GoogleMap thisMap = holder.mapCurrent;
            if(thisMap != null)
                thisMap.moveCamera();//initialize your position with lat long  or move camera
        public void onViewRecycled(CustomeHolder holder)
            // Cleanup MapView here?
            if (holder.mapCurrent != null)
        public class CustomeHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements OnMapReadyCallback {
            GoogleMap mapCurrent;
            MapView map;

            public CustomeHolder(View view) {
                map = (MapView) view.findViewById(R.id.mapImageView);
                if (map != null)


            public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
                mapCurrent = googleMap;

like image 53
Dhaval Solanki Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 03:11

Dhaval Solanki

For example you can use Glide and load map preview, not map fragment Like this:

        .load("http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" + 
               lat + 
               "," + 
               lng + 
               "&zoom=15&size=200x200&sensor=false" +
               "&markers=color:red%7Clabel:C%" + 
               markerLat + 
               "," + 

Or using lib - static-maps-api

like image 27
Anton A. Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 03:11

Anton A.

there is something called lite mode in google map you can use in recycler view

check this litemode

and sample code example LiteListDemoActivity

like image 1
has19 Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 02:11
