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Adding external library in Android studio

I want to add external library https://github.com/foursquare/foursquare-android-oauth to my Android application (I use Android Studio, the instructions provided by lib author for Eclipse didn't work for Android Studio).

I've tried to do it with maven, so in File->Project Structure->Dependencies I've added com.foursquare:foursquare-android-nativeoauth-lib:1.0.0 but Gradle Sync fails:

Error:Failed to find: com.foursquare:foursquare-android-nativeoauth-lib:1.0.0 

When I try to build my app (without fixing above error becaus I don't know how) I get:

Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'. > Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugCompile'. > Could not resolve com.foursquare:foursquare-android-nativeoauth-lib:1.0.0.  Required by:     ForSquaresOnly:app:unspecified    > Could not parse POM http://jcenter.bintray.com/com/foursquare/foursquare-android-nativeoauth-lib/1.0.0/foursquare-android-nativeoauth-lib-1.0.0.pom      > Could not find any version that matches com.foursquare:parent:1.0.0. 

Any other way to import this lib? I can simply copy-paste source code into my source or create JAR out of it?

BTW: if you run into problems see this question (I had this issue after importing): Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 14

like image 342
Marian Paździoch Avatar asked Sep 01 '14 17:09

Marian Paździoch

People also ask

Where can I find library on Android Studio?

The android default libraries like appcompact, design support libraries are stored in your folder where you have installed the SDK, precisely <SDK FOLDER>/extras/android/m2repository/com/android . The 3rd party libraries are stored in . gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1 folder.

1 Answers

Try one of these approaches:

Approach 1)

1- Choose project view

enter image description here

2- Copy your JAR file in app -> lib folder

enter image description here

3- Right click on your JAR file and choose add as library

enter image description here enter image description here

4- Check it in build.gradle

enter image description here

Approach 2)

1- File -> New -> New Module

enter image description here

2- Import .JAR/.AAR Package

enter image description here

3- Browse your JAR File

enter image description here

4- Finish

5- File -> Project Structure -> Dependencies

enter image description here

6- You should click on + button and then click on Module Dependency

enter image description here

7- You will see your library here

enter image description here

8- choose your library and click ok

enter image description here

9- Then, you will see that your library is added.

enter image description here

For first two approaches, you need a JAR file. You can search http://search.maven.org/ to find JAR files that are related to Android. For example, this is the search result for jdom in this link

Search result for jdom

Approach 3) Android is using http://jcenter.bintray.com/ as remote library. For example, this is the search result for jdom in the link.

jcenter jdom

To add a library in this approach, please follow these steps:

1- File -> Project Structure -> Dependencies

enter image description here

2- Click on + button and choose library dependency

enter image description here enter image description here

3- find your library and select it, then click OK.

I hope it helps.

like image 53
Mohammad Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10
