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Adding dataset files on the google colaboratory

I am trying to upload cifar data-set to google colabratory. i consists of


I would like to add upload multiple files and add them to the same place to act on them

like image 961
ahmed osama Avatar asked Jan 26 '18 16:01

ahmed osama

People also ask

How do I add a dataset folder in Colab?

On Google Drive, create a new folder and call it Kaggle. Open this folder by double-clicking on it and upload kaggle. json file. Next, open a Colab notebook and run the code below to mount the Drive onto Colab's file system.

How do I use downloaded dataset in Google Colab?

Step 1: Visit the Kaggle website and Select the Dataset tab. Step 2: Select any Dataset and Click on the Download. Step 3: The downloaded file will be in Zip form, Unzip it. Step 4: Upload Your Dataset file or folder to Google Colab Notebook.

1 Answers

you could upload somewhere, after that you can download from code cell notebooks and use this shell command: wget

for ex:

!wget http://your_domain/your_file.zip

note: we use '!' for running shell command in a notebook.

like image 174
m0z4rt Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
