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Adding an action to an existing controller (Ruby on Rails)

I am new to Ruby on Rails, I have completed the Blog Tutorial.

I am now trying to add an additional action to the controller, called 'start'.

def start end 

I have added a view page "app/views/posts/start.html.erb" containing nothing but simple html.

When I go to /posts/start i get the following error.

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in PostsController#show  Couldn't find Post with ID=start 

I understand the error, the show action is being executed and start is not a valid ID. Why doesn't the start action get executed, is there some part of the MVC architecture or configuration I am missing ?

Below is my posts_controller.rb

class PostsController < ApplicationController    # GET /posts/start   def start   end    # GET /posts   # GET /posts.xml   def index     @posts = Post.find(:all)     respond_to do |format|       format.html # index.html.erb       format.xml  { render :xml => @posts }     end   end    # GET /posts/1   # GET /posts/1.xml   def show     @post = Post.find(params[:id])     respond_to do |format|       format.html # show.html.erb       format.xml  { render :xml => @post }     end   end  end 

Yes I have restarted the server and tried it with Mongrel and webrick.

like image 345
Mark Avatar asked Dec 30 '08 19:12


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1 Answers

The error you're making is actually a pretty common one.

Basically, Rails automatically maps URLs for your scaffolds. So when you created the Posts scaffolds, Rails is mapping the URL routes for it. One such route is the URL for viewing a single post: /posts/(post_id)

So, when you're entering the URL /posts/start Rails thinks you're saying "Hey, give me the post with ID = start. So Rails complains that the show method can't find a post with such ID.

One quick way to fix this is to make sure your config/routes.rb has the route for the start action before the scaffolding routes:

# Route for start action map.connect '/posts/start', :controller => 'posts', :action => 'start' # Default mapping of routes for the scaffold map.resources :posts 

Anyway, hope that helps.

like image 64
David Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
