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Adding a Swift project to a Mac app in Xcode





I have a simple Swift-based Hello World project -- a native Mac app that just has a simple "hello world" window -- built in Xcode using the "Cocoa Application" template. I'd like to add in a specific third-party Swift library.

I'm new to Xcode and Swift, so I'm missing something straightforward and haven't found a way to correctly add it so that I can import PG in the app and have it build:

Using the swift package manager

I can build the library using swift build. I can generate an Xcode project for the library using swift package generate-xcodeproj. But I haven't found clear instructions for bringing the library into an existing native Mac app in Xcode (or using swift build

For example, this tutorial from Twilio covers building a Swift project into a standalone binary, and editing Swift code in Xcode. But it doesn't cover including a Swift library in a native mac app. Other tutorials similarly focus on standalone swift tools.

I tried creating a Package.swift file in the app root, specifying the dependencies, and running swift package resolve and swift build. I get "error: could not find target(s): PG" from swift build:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "myapp",
    targets: [
            name: "myapp",
            dependencies: ["PG"] // This must be incorrect 
    dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/davbeck/PG.swift.git", majorVersion: 0),

Other package mangers

I know how to add frameworks using CocoaPods, but this project isn't available for it. I tried with Carthage, but it didn't build a framework I could add to the project.

Simply adding the files

If simply add the Swift source by dragging and dropping the files, I get a "No such module PG" when I try to import PG. This also doesn't seem like a sustainable option. When dragging the files into Xcode, I had to select "Create groups" instead of the default "Create folder references" to get Xcode to see the files:

enter image description here

like image 476
Matt Hampel Avatar asked Jan 19 '18 15:01

Matt Hampel

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To create a new Swift package, open Xcode and select File > New > Swift Package. Choose a name and select a file location. Select “Create Git repository on my Mac” to put your package under version control. On completion, the Swift package opens in Xcode and looks similar to a standard Xcode project.

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Swift is free and open source, and it's available to a wide audience of developers, educators, and students under the Apache 2.0 open source license. We're providing binaries for macOS and Linux that can compile code for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux.

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1 Answers

One of the most straightforward ways to go here would be just adding the raw source files from the Sources directory in your Xcode project. This way you would not need to import anything but it also has a number of disadvantages. That's why package managers exist.

The project you linked actually supports Swift Package Manager installation. I suggest you try it instead of manually adding files. It's a little bit more complicated to use than Carthage or CocoaPods but it's actually worth it.

It's considered to be the best way to manage dependencies for macOS projects. On details of how to use Swift Package Manager, I suggest a couple of those useful tutorials.

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Sergey Grischyov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Sergey Grischyov