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Adding a new pandas column with mapped value from a dictionary [duplicate]




I'm trying do something that should be really simple in pandas, but it seems anything but. I'm trying to add a column to an existing pandas dataframe that is a mapped value based on another (existing) column. Here is a small test case:

import pandas as pd
equiv = {7001:1, 8001:2, 9001:3}
df = pd.DataFrame( {"A": [7001, 8001, 9001]} )
df["B"] = equiv(df["A"])

I was hoping the following would result:

      A   B
0  7001   1
1  8001   2
2  9001   3

Instead, I get an error telling me that equiv is not a callable function. Fair enough, it's a dictionary, but even if I wrap it in a function I still get frustration. So I tried to use a map function that seems to work with other operations, but it also is defeated by use of a dictionary:

df["B"] = df["A"].map(lambda x:equiv[x])

In this case I just get KeyError: 8001. I've read through documentation and previous posts, but have yet to come across anything that suggests how to mix dictionaries with pandas dataframes. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Rick Donnelly Avatar asked Jun 14 '14 03:06

Rick Donnelly

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1 Answers

The right way of doing it will be df["B"] = df["A"].map(equiv).

In [55]:

import pandas as pd
equiv = {7001:1, 8001:2, 9001:3}
df = pd.DataFrame( {"A": [7001, 8001, 9001]} )
df["B"] = df["A"].map(equiv)
      A  B
0  7001  1
1  8001  2
2  9001  3

[3 rows x 2 columns]

And it will handle the situation when the key does not exist very nicely, considering the following example:

In [56]:

import pandas as pd
equiv = {7001:1, 8001:2, 9001:3}
df = pd.DataFrame( {"A": [7001, 8001, 9001, 10000]} )
df["B"] = df["A"].map(equiv)
       A   B
0   7001   1
1   8001   2
2   9001   3
3  10000 NaN

[4 rows x 2 columns]
like image 71
CT Zhu Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

CT Zhu