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adding a layer mask to UIToolBar/UINavigationBar/UITabBar breaks translucency

Im upgrading my UI to iOS 7, and have been using a custom tab bar which has a CAShapeLayer used as a mask. Ive been trying to add dynamic blur by having a UIToolBar underneath, but if i try setting the layer.mask property on the toolbar translucency is gone, and i just have it semi transparent (but masking works of course). Is there a way to get this working? Ive also seen this behavior when adding a subview to these classes.

like image 991
jfisk Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 07:11


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1 Answers

If "translucency is gone" means it becomes totally transparent and if you tested just on simulator, it is a known bug of simulator. If you run it on devices, it should work as expected.

like image 51
an0 Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 08:11
