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Adding a C/C++ nature to an Eclipse project





Does anybody know how to add a C/C++ project nature to an Eclipse project through the UI ? I'm importing a project and working with legacy code that was originally started in Visual Studio 4 and I'd really like to be able to make as much use of Eclipse's helpers as possible.

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Alex Marshall Avatar asked Aug 24 '09 15:08

Alex Marshall

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Project Natures in Eclipse Project Natures are used in the Eclipse IDE in order to configure projects in the workspace. One project may have several project natures. The most popular project nature is org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature , which is used to indicate that a project is a Java project.

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In Eclipse, go to the "File" menu, then "New", then "C++ Project" if it's there. If not, choose "Project", then find "C/C++" in the list of wizards, click the "+" sign to expand it, and choose "C++ Project". A dialog box will ask whether to open the C/C++ perspective. Answer "yes", and remember this decision.

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Eclipse is a popular open-source IDE that you can use to develop C++ applications using Eclipse's C/C++ development tools. This IDE is multiplatform and can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It will allow you to debug and compile your code as well as get auto-completion for your code while editing.

1 Answers

Assuming you've got the CDT plugin installed

Right-click on the project.

Select: New -> Other

Under C/C++, select "Convert to a C/C++ project"

like image 101
Glen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
