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Adding a big image to a Navigation Drawer (SlidingMenu libs) - How to?

I'm using SlidingMenu libs (https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu) to get the Navigation Drawer of my app. It feels and looks amazing but I have a issue: I want to use a big picture with a textview on top of is to display the user photo and name (check the image).

How do I achieve this look? The XML menu file won't let me add a ImageView or TextView, just items and inside of those there are very limited options of customization.

Check the image attached for a better look of what I have in mind.

Thanks in advance.

Nav Drawer image

like image 955
guilhermexot Avatar asked Aug 24 '13 17:08


1 Answers

First of all this is not the SlidingMenu you are referring to. The image is showing the official DrawerLayout.

As far as your actual question goes:

The menu only consists of a ListView, so you just have to customize your ListView to display an image for the first row. You could either create a custom adapter for that or set the image via
addHeaderView (View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable).

like image 129
Ahmad Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11
