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Adding 64 bit numbers using 32 bit arithmetic




How do we add two 64 bit numbers using 32 bit arithmetic??

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Light_handle Avatar asked Oct 30 '09 22:10


People also ask

How do I put two 64-bit numbers on a 32-bit machine?

Adding two 64-bit numbers cannot be done with a single instruction like addition for 32-bit numbers. The addition must be done in two stages - first the lower 32 bits and then the upper 32 bits. The result of the two lower 32 bits is stored in the lower 32 bits of the result.

Can I run a 64-bit program on 32-bit?

The 64-bit versions of Windows don't provide support for 16-bit binaries or 32-bit drivers. Programs that depend on 16-bit binaries or 32-bit drivers can't run on the 64-bit versions of Windows unless the program manufacturer provides an update for the program.

How many numbers can you make with 32 bits?

With the two most common representations, the range is 0 through 4,294,967,295 (232 − 1) for representation as an (unsigned) binary number, and −2,147,483,648 (−231) through 2,147,483,647 (231 − 1) for representation as two's complement.

2 Answers

Add the least significant bytes first, keep the carry. Add the most significant bytes considering the carry from LSBs:

; x86 assembly, Intel syntax
; adds ecx:ebx to edx:eax
add eax, ebx
adc edx, ecx
like image 176
mmx Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10


Consider how you add two 2-digit numbers using 1-digit arithmetic.


First you add the right column. (The "ones" or "units"). 2+9 is 11. 11 "overflowed" your 1 digit arithmetic, so you have to "carry" the 10.


Now you add up the left "tens" column, including the carry. 1+4+3=8.


8 is less than 10, so no carry. You're done.

What just happened? When you say that a number is "42" (in base 10) you really mean


Or, equivalently,


(when I say "a^b", like "10^1", I mean "a raised to the b'th power": a multiplied by itself b times. 10^0 is 1. 10^1 is 10. 10^2 is 10*10=100...)

When you add "42" and "39" you are saying


Which equals


Now since "11" isn't a valid one digit number, you need to carry 10 from the ones, turning it into a 1 in the tens place.


which is 81.

So, why have I been talking about this rather than your question about 64 bit numbers and 32 bit arithmetic? Because they are actually exactly the same!

A digit ranges from 0 to 9. A "32 bit number" ranges from 0 to 2^32-1. (Assuming it is unsigned.)

So, rather than working in base 10, let's work in base 2^32. In base 2^32, we write 2^32 as 10. If you write a 64 bit number in base 2^32, it would be


where x and y are symbols for numbers between 0 and 2^32-1. Those symbols are bitstrings.

If you want to add two 64 bit numbers, break them down in base 2^32 as:


Now you add them in base 2^32 the exact same way you add them in base 10 -- just, rather than adding using digit arithmetic you add using 32 bit arithmetic!

How do you split a 64 bit number a into two 32 bit numbers a_1 and a_0? Divide a by 2^32. Not in floating point, but integerwise -- where you get a dividend and a remainder. The dividend is a_1, the remainder is a_0.

Unfortunately that requires 64 bit arithmetic. However, typically a_1 is the "most significant half" of a, so, in C style syntax:

a_1=(a >> 32)
a_0=(a & 0xFFFFFFFF)

where >> is a right bitshift and & is bitwise and.

Typically if you can't do 64 bit addition, a "64 bit number" will actually be the two 32 bit numbers a_1 and a_0. You won't have a uint64_t if you can't do uint64_t arithmetic!

All this assumes that you're doing unsigned arithmetic, but dealing with signs is easy from here.

like image 37
Captain Segfault Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10

Captain Segfault