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Add only a field from another collection in MongoDB

I have two collections

A with schema

    a : Array,
    b : ObjectID

and B with the following schema

    x : 'string',
    y : // some object schema
    b : ObjectID

I want to use mongo aggregate to add a new field in collections B to include only a from collection A searching using b.

I want my value after aggregation to have the following schema :

    x : 'string',
    newField : a // array from collection A
    y : // some object schema
    b : ObjectID

only $lookup does not work because i do not want the whole object and also merge will remove _id and merge others which i do not want.

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Prajval M Avatar asked Jun 24 '18 14:06

Prajval M

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For performing MongoDB Join two collections, you must use the $lookup operator. It is defined as a stage that executes a left outer join with another collection and aids in filtering data from joined documents. For example, if a user requires all grades from all students, then the below query can be written: Students.

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You can select a single field in MongoDB using the following syntax: db. yourCollectionName. find({"yourFieldName":yourValue},{"yourSingleFieldName":1,_id:0});

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MongoDB Database Big Data Analytics To add new field to every document in a MongoDB collection, you can use $set operator. The syntax is as follows: db.yourCollectionName.update ({}, { $set: {"yourFieldName": yourValue} }, false, true);

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The $addFields stage is equivalent to a $project stage that explicitly specifies all existing fields in the input documents and adds the new fields. Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB adds a new aggregation pipeline stage $set that is an alias for $addFields. { $addFields: { < newField >: < expression >, ... } }

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1 Answers

I'm answering this myself after solving it.

This can be done as a pipeline of operations as follows :

    $lookup: {
        from: "A",
        localField: "b",
        foreignField: "b",
        as: "someField"
    $addFields: {
      newField  : "$someField.a"
    $unwind: "$newField"
    $project: {
        someField: 0

More efficient answers will be accepted

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Prajval M Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10

Prajval M