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Add months to date column in Spark dataframe

I have a scenario where I want to add months to a date column in spark DataFrame which has two columns with data type (Date, Int)


data_date months_to_add
2015-06-23 5
2016-07-20 7

I want to add a new column which will have a new date (After adding months to existing date) and output will look like below-

data_date month_to_add new_data_date
2015-06-23 5           2015-11-23
2016-07-20 1           2016-8-20

I have tried below piece of code, but it does not seems to be working-

df = df.withColumn("new_data_date", a
  dd_months(col("data_date"), col("months_to_add")))

it gives me error-

'Column' object is not callable

Please help me if there is any method to achieve this without using SQL query on top of dataframe.

like image 650
anurag Avatar asked Aug 10 '17 11:08


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1 Answers

I'd use expr:

from pyspark.sql.functions import expr

df = spark.createDataFrame(
    [("2015-06-23", 5), ("2016-07-20", 7)],
    ("data_date", "months_to_add")
).select(to_date("data_date").alias("data_date"), "months_to_add")

df.withColumn("new_data_date", expr("add_months(data_date, months_to_add)")).show()

| data_date|months_to_add|new_data_date|
|2015-06-23|            5|   2015-11-23|
|2016-07-20|            7|   2017-02-20|
like image 95
Alper t. Turker Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10

Alper t. Turker