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What is the fastest way to plot coordinates on map inline (Jupyter)?

I was wondering what's the straightforward and fastest way to plot several coordinates (1.5 million) on OpenStreetMap.

It must be able to be displayed inline in a Jupyter Notebook.

I've been trying with Folium module and list comprehension:

import folium
import datetime as dt
import random as rnd

t0 = dt.datetime.now()

#New York City Coordinates
NYC_COORD = [40.7128, -74.0059]

# Sample (0.33% over 1.5 million) 
sample_coords = rnd.sample(list(coords),5000)

# Build map 
map_nyc = folium.Map(location=NYC_COORD, zoom_start=12, 
tiles='cartodbpositron', width=640, height=480)

# Plot coordinates using comprehension list
[folium.CircleMarker(sample_coords[i], radius=1,
                color='#0080bb', fill_color='#0080bb').add_to(map_nyc) 
for i in range(len(sample_coords))]

# Display map in Jupyter

t1 = dt.datetime.now()
print('Total time: %i seconds' % (t1 - t0).seconds)

Total time: 33 seconds

enter image description here

As you can see, 33 sec. is a really long time if we actually want to plot 1.5M. So, does someone know if is possible to improve that time?

like image 987
mforezdev Avatar asked Jul 29 '17 10:07


2 Answers

1.5 million coordinates is no problem for datashader; here's code for 10 million in 3 seconds including reading the file, and a fraction of a second to redraw on zoom or pan (from http://pyviz.org/tutorial/01_Workflow_Introduction.html):

import dask.dataframe as dd, geoviews as gv, cartopy.crs as crs
from colorcet import fire
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade
from geoviews.tile_sources import CartoLight

tiles = CartoLight.options(width=700, height=600, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, show_grid=False) 

taxi  = dd.read_parquet('../data/nyc_taxi_wide.parq').persist()
pts   = gv.Points(taxi, ['pickup_x', 'pickup_y'], crs=crs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR)
trips = datashade(pts, cmap=fire, width=1000, height=600, x_sampling=0.5, y_sampling=0.5)

tiles * trips

enter image description here

like image 67
James A. Bednar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

James A. Bednar

I think it could be improved by using MarkerClusters, but not significantly. 1.5 million is a lot of points to plot

Not a perfect substitute, but perhaps you could look at datashader or mpl-scatter-density

EDIT: I recently discovered FastMarkerCluster which is a very fast option, but not as flexible as MarkerClusters. That said, it's probably not a great choice for 1.5 million.

like image 23
Bob Haffner Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Bob Haffner