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Add json array element with jq (cmdline) [closed]





I'm trying to generate a json file within bash. I installed jq, hoping that it would help me generate and append json.

For example, I want to generate a json in this format:

  "Project": [
      "projectName": {
        "branch": [
            "branchName": [
        "tag": [
            "tagName": [

While a can to something like that, with the following filter

  [{"projectName" : {"branch" : (.branch+[{"branchName":(.tagName+["path"])}]),
             "tag": (.tag+[{"tagName":(.tagName+["path"])}]) }}]

when I want to create another entry in the same project and name, it creates a whole new entry, has if it was a new project, resulting in this:

      "Project": [
          "projectName": {
            "branch": [
                "branchName": [
            "tag": [
                "tagName": [
          "projectName": {
            "branch": [
                "branchName": [
            "tag": [
                "tagName": [
          "projectName": {
            "branch": [
                "branchName": [
            "tag": [
                "tagName": [

But I would like to have

  "Project": [
      "projectName": {
        "branch": [
            "branchName": [
        "tag": [
            "tagName": [

Is there a way with jq/bash?

like image 806
Layfon Weller Avatar asked Aug 20 '14 21:08

Layfon Weller

1 Answers

So, I'm taking a stab in the dark here (to mix metaphors), but this gives what seems to be the results you want:

cat test.json | jq '.Project[0].projectName.tag[0].tagName |= .+ ["path2"] | .Project[0].projectName.branch[0].branchName |= .+ ["path2"]'

The |= .+ [...] essentially appends a new array item. You can use the array specs for good effect for all array elements by omitting the 0 from, e.g., tag[0].

This produces:

  "Project": [
      "projectName": {
        "tag": [
            "tagName": [
        "branch": [
            "branchName": [

Edit -- if I understand the new method now (but I could be missing something), we start with:

  "Project": {
    "projectName": {
      "tag": {
        "tagName": [
      "branch": {
        "branchName": [

Then set some variables and apply this transform:

Project=projectName ProjectNumber=path2 Branch=branchName Tag=tagName
jq ".Project.${Project}.tag.${Tag} |= .+ [\"${ProjectNumber}\"] | .Project.${Project}.branch.${Branch} |= .+ [\"${ProjectNumber}\"]"

And we get:

  "Project": {
    "projectName": {
      "tag": {
        "tagName": [
      "branch": {
        "branchName": [
like image 70
zerodiff Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
