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add Google Fit distance (DataPoint out of range)

My code

val startTime = 1510241100000 // 2017-11-09T15:25:00+00:00
val endTime = 1510241180000   // 2017-11-09T15:26:20+00:00
val distance = 12000.0f

val distanceDataSource = DataSource.Builder()
val distanceDataSet = DataSet.create(distanceDataSource)
val distancePoint = distanceDataSet.createDataPoint()
    .setTimeInterval(startTime, endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    distanceDataSet.add(distancePoint) // here is the crash

crashed with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: DataPoint out of range, if the diff between startTime and endTime is less then 10 minutes.

Has someone an idea, what is wrong with my code?

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mars3142 Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 11:03


1 Answers

TL;DR: The code is OK, but you are trying to add a DataPoint that is (in the API's eyes) bogus: you can't go over 100 meters/second

There are some internal validations in the API that check for limits on the input data, and throw an exceptions if the data doesn't comply.

Some decompiled code that shows these limits (in particular, you are interested in com.google.distance.delta):

private zzbtw() {
    HashMap var1;
    (var1 = new HashMap()).put("latitude", new zzbty(-90.0D, 90.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("longitude", new zzbty(-180.0D, 180.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("accuracy", new zzbty(0.0D, 10000.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("bpm", new zzbty(0.0D, 1000.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("altitude", new zzbty(-100000.0D, 100000.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("percentage", new zzbty(0.0D, 100.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("confidence", new zzbty(0.0D, 100.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("duration", new zzbty(0.0D, 9.223372036854776E18D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("height", new zzbty(0.0D, 3.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("weight", new zzbty(0.0D, 1000.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    var1.put("speed", new zzbty(0.0D, 11000.0D, (zzbtx)null));
    this.zzhbn = Collections.unmodifiableMap(var1);
    HashMap var2;
    (var2 = new HashMap()).put("com.google.step_count.delta", zzc("steps", new zzbty(0.0D, 1.0E-8D, (zzbtx)null)));
    var2.put("com.google.calories.consumed", zzc("calories", new zzbty(0.0D, 1.0E-6D, (zzbtx)null)));
    var2.put("com.google.calories.expended", zzc("calories", new zzbty(0.0D, 5.555555555555555E-10D, (zzbtx)null)));
    var2.put("com.google.distance.delta", zzc("distance", new zzbty(0.0D, 1.0E-7D, (zzbtx)null)));
    this.zzhbm = Collections.unmodifiableMap(var2);

As the times are transformed from your time unit into nanoseconds (see DataPoint.setTimeInterval), you end up with 1e-7 (as you are coming from milliseconds), and

Your data:

  • Time delta: 80s -> 80000000000
  • Distance delta: 12000mts
  • Speed: 12000mts/80000000000ns -> 0.00000015mts/ns -> 1.5e-7

Long story short: try 8000 and see it working, try 8001 and see it failing

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any documentation about this, and had to debug step by step to get to this.

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marianosimone Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 03:03
