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Reasonable situations to use Kotlin's `let`




In Kotlin, it's common to use let to execute code if an object (let receiver) isn't null, as an alternative to an if != null check, as in the following:

val nullable: String? = "anything"
nullable?.let {

In what other situations does it make sense to make use of let?

FYI, let is part of Kotlin's stdlib and is defined as follows:

public inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R = block(this)
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s1m0nw1 Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 16:03


2 Answers

I've seen let used to scope nested variables (ignoring let's return):

    some.nested.foo.bar.let { bar -> 

It can be nice since it replaces the need to define a local variable, but I'm not sure how useful it actually is.

Could also be done with apply, though the readability is a bit worse, (this instead of bar in the scope).

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triad Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 10:03


let is also useful when you work with var variables which are nullable. For instance, we have this code

fun doSomething(value: String) {


class A {
    var boo: String? = null
    fun b() {
        if (boo != null) {

There, we have compile-time error inside if block because boo can be changed outside. To fix that we should either create a val variable

class A {
    var boo: String? = null
    fun b() {
        val b = boo
        if (b != null) {

or use let

class A {
    var boo: String? = null
    fun b() {
        boo?.let {
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vmtrue Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 11:03
