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Add filters in ng-init

<input ng-model="search.name" placeholder="Name" />

<div ng-init="FilteredGeojson = ho|filter:search">
<tr ng-repeat="hf in FilteredGeojson">
    <td>{{ hf.name }}</td>   
<div leaflet-directive id="map" data="FilteredGeojson"></div>

It is important to do filtering in ng-init if it is possible, but i cannot solve it, i cannot make ng-repeat and create scope which i pass after to my directive cause it start infinite digest loop.

like image 571
IOR88 Avatar asked Feb 11 '15 18:02


1 Answers

The answer to your question

Your snippet doesn't work because of ho and filter:search are different statements. In

ng-init="FilteredGeojson = ho | filter:search"

... the assignment FilteredGeojson = ho is done before the filter | filter:search is applied, which does not work.

You need to encapsulate filtering the value like this:

ng-init="FilteredGeojson = (ho | filter:search)"


It is important to do filtering in ng-init

Important for what? ngInit directive will be called only once there, so when you'll update your filter, items in ngRepeat wouldn't be updated. But you need this, right?

To achieve this you should add filter in ngRepeat directive, like this:

<tr ng-repeat="hf in FilteredGeojson | filter:search">
    <td>{{ hf.name }}</td>   


Both solutions are available in this plnkr example.

like image 185
Sharikov Vladislav Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Sharikov Vladislav