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add custom attribute or metadata to file java

I have files that need an extra attribute called "encryption used". But this gives "IllegalArgumentExeption". I know why it gives that error, "encryption used" isn't known as an attribute, but is there a way I can force it to be? Or add custom metadata to the file?

 Path path = new File("/propertyfiles/encdec.properties").toPath();

        Files.setAttribute(path, "encryption used", "testtesttest");
    }catch(IOException e){
        System.out.println(Files.getAttribute(path, "encryption used"));
    }catch(IOException e){
like image 914
user1008531 Avatar asked Sep 23 '13 09:09


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1 Answers

If your file system supports user-defined (aka extended) attributes, then the way to set one would be like this:

Files.setAttribute(path, "user:encryption used", "testtesttest");

As the javadoc for setAttribute explains, the 2nd argument takes the form of an optional view-name and an attribute name. In this case, you need to use the UserDefinedFileAttributeView whose view-name is "user".

Note that different file system types support different attribute views, and your file system may not support this one.

like image 68
Stephen C Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Stephen C