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Add credentials to allow Travis-CI to use a private Nexus repository

I'm using Travis for continuous integration. However, my projects depend on a private Nexus repository. I would rather not check in sbt credentials into our repository. Travis does support encryption keys but they only affect environment variables.

How can I get Travis to authenticate against Nexus? sbt does not seem to support credentials from an environment variable.


There looks like there is support to specify a credentials file from an environment variable, or to specify credentials as system properties. Unfortunately, this didn't seem to work with 0.13.

sbt -Dsbt.boot.realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" -Dsbt.boot.host="www.there.com" -Dsbt.boot.user="deployment" -Dsbt.boot.password="password" aether-deploy
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schmmd Avatar asked Nov 16 '13 01:11


2 Answers

You want to use Travis secure environment variables as documented. Assuming your environment variables are NEXUS_USER and NEXUS_PASS, the command line needs to be:

sbt 'set credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "www.there.com", System.getenv("NEXUS_USER"), System.getenv("NEXUS_PASS"))' aether-deploy

You could also safely have that line in your build.sbt, if you wanted to make that a standard practice for your builds.

The Jackson Scala Module uses this for deploying Travis builds to the Sonatype OSS repository. You can our .travis.yml to see how it's set up.

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Christopher Currie Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Christopher Currie

You can set global variables in your .travis.yml as defined here: http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-configuration/#Set-environment-variables

Those global vars can be encrypted for travis using the travis gem. Explained e.g. here: How to use travis-ci's .travis.yml to provide environment parameters for Node.js Application?

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Michael Pollmeier Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Michael Pollmeier