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Add column to the database - how do I update the dbml file?


People also ask

How do I add a column to a Dbml file?

Right Click the table in the dbml file designer(*. dbml file) -> Then Choose Add Property -> give some name to the property. This is the new column which you have added to the table in the database.

How do I add a stored procedure to a Dbml file?

To add stored procedures to the O/R Designer dbml file that you added earlier. Click the Sales by Year stored procedure and drag it to the right pane of the designer. Click the Ten Most Expensive Products stored procedure drag it to the right pane of the designer. Save your changes and close the designer.

Where is Dbml file located?

dbml file will be added under App_Code folder. Expand Server Explorer and Right click on the Data Connections and select the option Add Connection. Add Connection Pop up will be opened, give the SQL Server details and select the then click on OK button. Database will be added under Data Connections as shown below.

Is there a way I can refresh the dbml file or do I have to delete it and generate a whole new one?