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Add collection or array to wpf resource dictionary

I've search high and low and can't find an answer to this. I have two questions

  1. How do you create an array or collection in XAML. I've got an array I want to stick in there and bind to a combo box. My first idea was to put an ItemsControl in a resource dictionary, but the ItemsSource of a combo box expects IEnumerable so that didn't work.

Here's what I've tried in my resource dictionary and neither works

<ItemsControl x:Key="stateList">
<ItemsControl x:Key="stateList2">

and here's how I bind to it

<ComboBox SelectedValue="{Binding Path=State}" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource stateList2}}"  >



I got this first part to work this way

 <col:ArrayList x:Key="stateList3">

However, I'd rather not use an array list, I'd like to use a generic list so if anyone knows how please let me know.

EDIT UPDATE: I guess XAML has very limited support for generics so maybe an array list is the best I can do for now, but I would still like help on the second question if anyone has an anser

2nd. I've tried referencing a merged resource dictionary in my XAML and had problems because under Window.resources I had more than just the dictionary so it required me to add x:Key. Once I add the key, the system can no longer find the items in my resource dictionary. I had to move the merged dictionary to Grid.Resources instead. Ideally I'd like to reference the merged dictionary in the app.xaml but I have the same problem

Here's some sample code. This first part required an x:key to compile because I have converter and it complained that every item must have a key if there is more than one

    <win:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="VisibilityConverter" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesD.xaml" />

I had to change it to this

    <win:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="VisibilityConverter" />             
                <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesD.xaml" />

Thank you

like image 903
Chris Cap Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 16:03

Chris Cap

1 Answers

As far as I understand your problem you want to bind a ComboBox (or a ListBox) with an array of items, right? If you want items from some external data source, you can just make use of handy DataContext property. Search MSDN for more on this. However, if you do want a manual collection, do it this way:

Create your own class:

public class StringCollection : ObservableCollection<string> { }

and now use it like this:

    <local:StringCollection x:Key="stringCollection">


        ItemsSource="{StaticResource stringCollection}" />

Or, if you want more generic collection create a class like this:

public class ObjectCollection : ObservableCollection<object> { }

and use it like this:

    <local:ObjectCollection x:Key="objectCollection">


        ItemsSource="{StaticResource objectCollection}" />

You may also want to make use of some in-built classes like Int32Collection that implements IEnumerable. You can use them directly as a resource.

The Resources property (of any FrameworkElement like Window, UserControl, or Application) is of type ResourceDictionary not collection of resource dictionaries! so you can't do like this:


    <!-- The first RD -->
        <win:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="VisibilityConverter" />

    <!-- Second RD!!! -->
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesD.xaml" />

Instead do like this:


        There should be only 1 main RD, 
        Merge other RDs, if any

        <!-- First Resource -->
        <win:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="VisibilityConverter" />

        <!-- Second Resource -->
            <!-- Now, there can be multiple RDs -->
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesA.xaml" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesB.xaml" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesC.xaml" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourcesD.xaml" />


Hope this helps.
Mihir Gokani

like image 197
mg007 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09
