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Add another java source directory to gradle script




I hava an example java project package

package com.example.testing;

with such file tree

app |   src->com->example->testing->Main.java 

and a gradle script:

apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'application'  sourceSets {     main {         java {             srcDirs 'src'         }     }   }  sourceSets.main.output.classesDir = file("classes") mainClassName = 'com.example.testing.Main'  defaultTasks 'compileJava', 'run' 

Now I want to add some module to this project and my folders will be something like this

app |   src1->com->example->testing->Main.java    src2->com->another_example->another_testing->Library.java 

How do I add new source code to gradle script?

like image 815
RedCollarPanda Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 16:06


People also ask

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Use the following line in build.gradle file. Whenever you add a plugin to your build, it assumes a certain setup of your Java project (similar to Maven). Take a look at the following directory structure. src/main/java contains the Java source code. src/test/java contains the Java tests.

How do I use sourcesets in Gradle?

SourceSets can be used to specify a different project structure. For example, the sources are stored in a src folder rather than in src/main/java. Take a look at the following directory structure. Gradle does not yet support multiple project templates. But it offers an init task to create the structure of a new Gradle project.

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2 Answers

I agree with @JB Nizet about respecting standard conventions. If you still insist on being an Anarchist though:

You already have src declared in your sourceset, why not add src1 and src2 as well? You can add them to the same sourceset, or define a sourceset per module if you want.

sourceSets {     main {         java {             srcDirs 'src'             srcDirs 'src1'             srcDirs 'src2'         }     }  } 

To reference files outside the project, see this answer.

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RaGe Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10


I have a slightly different approach with a Gradle 4.6:

sourceSets {     main {         java {             srcDir 'src/main/java'             srcDir 'build/swagger-code-dummy/src/main/java'         }     } } 

as you can see, I had to specify the directories with the "/main/java" subdirectories as well, otherwise gradle/intellij was not setting the right path.

Maybe this helps someone else too :)

like image 21
gabowsky Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10
