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Add a value to the end of a pandas index object




I have a pandas index object and I'd like to add a single value to the end of it. The .append() method doesn't seem to work like one would expect, and since I'm trying to add an element, I can't insert at the location of -1 because that puts the value in the second-to-last position. For example

import pandas as pd
ser = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5], index=[11,12,13,14,15])
indx = ser.index

Say I want to add the value 20 to the end of the index. This throws an error:


This returns [11,12,13,14,20,15]:

indx.insert(-1, 20)

This works but seems like a work-around:

indx.insert(len(indx), 20)

Is there something I'm missing? This is on pandas 0.18.1. Thanks.

like image 642
Alex Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 14:08


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Python3. Pandas iloc is used to retrieve data by specifying its integer index. In python negative index starts from end therefore we can access the last element by specifying index to -1 instead of length-1 which will yield the same result.

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Index is like an address, that's how any data point across the dataframe or series can be accessed. Rows and columns both have indexes, rows indices are called as index and for columns its general column names.

3 Answers

The method append takes another index as input, but union will work if you simply pass an array-like object:


Note that index objects in pandas are immutable, so any such operation will return a new index rather than modifying the existing one.

like image 101
IanS Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


You need to pass a collection of index values as parameter while appending to the given index object.

indx.append(pd.Index([20]))   # Pass the values inside the list 
Int64Index([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20], dtype='int64')
like image 30
Nickil Maveli Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Nickil Maveli

You may want to try these two options:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
ser.append(pd.Series([np.nan], index = [20]))

# 11    1.0
# 12    2.0
# 13    3.0
# 14    4.0
# 15    5.0
# 20    NaN
# dtype: float64

ser.set_value(20, np.nan)

# 11    1.0
# 12    2.0
# 13    3.0
# 14    4.0
# 15    5.0
# 20    NaN
# dtype: float64
like image 39
Psidom Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
