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Add a property to a json string with jackson json

I am storing a json string into a text field in mysql. After the insertion, i want to update my json string and add the mysql line id into it with jackson json.

I have a java String which is in Json format


I'm looking to add another K/V without writing lines of codes.

to finally have this :


I can convert my String to a JsonNode :

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode json = mapper.readTree( jsonStr);

Looking to do something like this


then update in my text field with new json string in mysql

I can't make it. I don't want use many class is there a simple way to do so with jackson?

like image 747
Dimitri Kopriwa Avatar asked May 15 '13 09:05

Dimitri Kopriwa

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1 Answers

Try casting your JsonNode to an com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode and then calling put set (or replace) on it.

like image 159
cmbaxter Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
