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adb push/pull with progress bar

It is really annoying if you adb push/pull large files to the device that there's no way to now how far along it is. Is it possible to run adb push or adb pull and get a progress bar using the 'bar' utility?

The main issue here is I think that adb expects two file names, if the input file could be replaced by stdin you could pipe through the 'bar' utility and get a progress bar. So far I haven't succeeded in doing so, but I'm not really a shell guru which is why I'm asking here :)

Note that I'm on Linux using bash.

like image 775
darkwings Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 11:07


2 Answers

It looks like the latest adb has progress support.

Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32 device commands: adb push [-p] <local> <remote>     - copy file/dir to device     ('-p' to display the transfer progress) 

However, the answers above also work for 'adb install' which do not have a progress option. I modified the first answer's script to work this way:

Create "adb-install.sh" somewhere in your PATH and run "adb-install.sh " instead of "adb install -f "

#!/bin/bash # adb install with progressbar displayed # usage: <adb-install.sh> <file.apk> # original code from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6595374/adb-push-pull-with-progress-bar  function usage() {     echo "$0 <apk to install>"     exit 1 }  function progressbar() {     bar="================================================================================"     barlength=${#bar}     n=$(($1*barlength/100))     printf "\r[%-${barlength}s] %d%%" "${bar:0:n}" "$1"     # echo -ne "\b$1" }  export -f progressbar  [[ $# < 1 ]] && usage  SRC=$1  [ ! -f $SRC ] && { \     echo "source file not found"; \     exit 2; \ }  which adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \     echo "adb doesn't exist in your path"; \     exit 3; \ }  SIZE=$(ls -l $SRC | awk '{print $5}') export ADB_TRACE=all  adb install -r $SRC 2>&1 \     | sed -n '/DATA/p' \     | awk -v T=$SIZE 'BEGIN{FS="[=:]"}{t+=$7;system("progressbar " sprintf("%d\n", t/T*100))}'  export ADB_TRACE=  echo  echo 'press any key' read n 
like image 95
jpage4500 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09


Currently I have this little piece of bash:

function adb_push {   # NOTE: 65544 is the max size adb seems to transfer in one go   TOTALSIZE=$(ls -Rl "$1" | awk '{ sum += sprintf("%.0f\n", ($5 / 65544)+0.5) } END { print sum }')   exp=$(($TOTALSIZE * 7)) # 7 bytes for every line we print - not really accurate if there's a lot of small files :(   # start bar in the background   ADB_TRACE=adb adb push "$1" "$2" 2>&1 | unbuffer -p awk '/DATA/ { split($3,a,"="); print a[2] }' | unbuffer -p cut -d":" -s -f1 | unbuffer -p bar -of /dev/null -s $exp   echo  # Add a newline after the progressbar. } 

It works somewhat, it shows a progress bar going from 0 to 100 which is nice. However, it won't be correct if you do a lot of small files, and worse, the bytes/s and total bytes shown by 'bar' aren't correct.

I challenge you to improve on my script; it shouldn't be hard! ;)

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darkwings Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
