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Adapter's getView() asks for position 0 twice before each postion. Why?

I read all the other posts on getView() and didn't find any solutions. I have a GridView with a SimpleCursorAdapter. I log(position); in getView() and I see a pattern like this:

0,0,1,0,0,2,0,0,3,0,0,4,0,0,5 etc. This means I'm having to build 3 views as it scrolls for every new view displayed and it's choppy and laggy. Why does it do this? I don't have anything obvious like setting my gridview to wrap-content or anything else weird. There's nothing strange about my code. One thing that might be a factor is that every item view could have a different height depending on the length of the text I'm displaying.

I'm currently debugging on a 4.2.2 Galaxy Nexus.

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Steve Gehrman Avatar asked Jan 23 '14 07:01

Steve Gehrman

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1 Answers

Index 0 is requested in gridview measure/layout pass.

The question doesn't have the details, but the following could explain the pattern you're seeing:

  • The GridView is in a layout that requires two measure/layout passes (e.g. LinearLayout with weights, RelativeLayout with layout dependency rules). This explains the two position 0s.

  • Each getView() causes the parent to re-layout. This explains the position 0 after each position.

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laalto Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
