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Actually CATCHing exceptions without creating GOTO

Looking over my Raku code, I've realized that I pretty much never use CATCH blocks to actually catch/handle error. Instead, I handle errors with try blocks and testing for undefined values; the only thing I use CATCH blocks for is to log errors differently. I don't seem to be alone in this habit – looking at the CATCH blocks in the Raku docs, pretty much none of them handle the error in any sense beyond printing a message. (The same is true of most of the CATCH blocks in Rakudo.).

Nevertheless, I'd like to better understand how to use CATCH blocks. Let me work through a few example functions, all of which are based on the following basic idea:

sub might-die($n) { $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418 }

Now, as I've said, I'd normally use this function with something like

say try { might-die(3) } // 'default';

But I'd like to avoid that here and use CATCH blocks inside the function. My first instinct is to write

sub might-die1($n) {
    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418
    CATCH { default { 'default' }}

But this not only doesn't work, it also (very helpfully!) doesn't even compile. Apparently, the CATCH block is not removed from the control flow (as I would have thought). Thus, that block, rather than the ternary expression, is the last statement in the function. Ok, fair enough. How about this:

    sub might-die2($n) {
ln1:    CATCH { default { 'default' }}
ln2:    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418

(those line numbers are Lables. Yes, it's valid Raku and, yes, they're useless here. But SO doesn't give line numbers, and I wanted some.)

This at least compiles, but it doesn't do what I mean.

say might-die2(3);  # OUTPUT: «Nil»

To DWIM, I can change this to

    sub might-die3($n) {
ln1:    CATCH { default { return 'default' }}
ln2:    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418
say might-die3(3);  # OUTPUT: «'default'»

What these two reveal is that the result of the CATCH block is not, as I'd hopped, being inserted into control flow where the exception occurred. Instead, the exception is causing control flow to jump to the CATCH block for the enclosing scope. It's as though we'd written (in an alternate universe where Raku has a GOTO operator [EDIT: or maybe not that alternate of a universe, since we apparently have a NYI goto method. Learn something new every day…]

    sub might-die4($n) {
ln0:    GOTO ln2;
ln1:    return 'default';
ln2:    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! GOTO ln1;

I realize that some critics of exceptions say that they can reduce to GOTO statements, but this seems to be carrying things a bit far.

I could (mostly) avoid emulating GOTO with the .resume method, but I can't do it the way I'd like to. Specifically, I can't write:

    sub might-die5($n) {
ln1:    CATCH { default { .resume('default') }}
ln2:    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418

Because .resume doesn't take an argument. I can write

    sub might-die6($n) {
ln1:    CATCH { default { .resume }}
ln2:    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! do { die 418; 'default' }
say might-die6 3;  # OUTPUT: «'default'»

This works, at least in this particular example. But I can't help feeling that it's more of a hack than an actual solution and that it wouldn't generalize well. Indeed, I can't help feeling that I'm missing some larger insight behind error handling in Raku that would make all of this fit together better. (Maybe because I've spent too much time programming in languages that handle errors without exceptions?) I would appreciate any insight into how to write the above code in idiomatic Raku. Is one of the approaches above basically correct? Is there a different approach I haven't considered? And is there a larger insight about error handling that I'm missing in all of this?

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codesections Avatar asked Mar 07 '21 18:03


People also ask

How do you catch an instance of a specific exception type?

The proper catch block is determined by matching the type of the exception to the name of the exception specified in the catch block. If there is no specific catch block, the exception is caught by a general catch block, if one exists.

How to capture exception Python?

Catching Exceptions in Python In Python, exceptions can be handled using a try statement. The critical operation which can raise an exception is placed inside the try clause. The code that handles the exceptions is written in the except clause.

Can we throw an exception from catch block?

When an exception is cached in a catch block, you can re-throw it using the throw keyword (which is used to throw the exception objects). Or, wrap it within a new exception and throw it.

What happens if exception occurs in catch block c#?

The Anatomy of C# Exceptions If any code throws an exception within that try block, the exception will be handled by the corresponding catch. catch – When an exception occurs, the Catch block of code is executed. This is where you are able to handle the exception, log it, or ignore it.

Can we throw an exception without using a catch?

You asked: Can we throw an exception without using a catch? In C#, absolutely! There’s nothing that says you have to catch a thrown exception within a method. It’s perfectly fine to leave the catching of the exception up to the caller.

How do you handle an exception in a try block?

If an exception occurs within the try block, that exception is handled by an exception handler associated with it. To associate an exception handler with a try block, you must put a catch block after it; the next section, The catch Blocks, shows you how.

How do you handle multiple types of exceptions at once?

They can do error recovery, prompt the user to make a decision, or propagate the error up to a higher-level handler using chained exceptions, as described in the Chained Exceptions section. You can catch more than one type of exception with one exception handler, with the multi-catch pattern.

How to create new exceptions in Java?

To create new exceptions just define them as classes that inherit from Exception (or one of the other existing exception types if it makes more sense). Code #6 : Using these exceptions in the normal way.

2 Answers

"Larger insight about error handling"

Is one of the approaches [in my question] basically correct?

Yes. In the general case, use features like try and if, not CATCH.

Is there a different approach I haven't considered?

Here's a brand new one: catch. I invented the first version of it a few weeks ago, and now your question has prompted me to reimagine it. I'm pretty happy with how it's now settled; I'd appreciate readers' feedback about it.

is there a larger insight about error handling that I'm missing in all of this?

I'll discuss some of my thoughts at the end of this answer.

But let's now go through your points in the order you wrote them.


I pretty much never use CATCH blocks to actually catch/handle error.

Me neither.

Instead, I handle errors with try blocks and testing for undefined values

That's more like it.

Logging errors with a catchall CATCH

the only thing I use CATCH blocks for is to log errors differently.

Right. A judiciously located catchall. This is a use case for which I'd say CATCH is a good fit.

The doc

looking at the CATCH blocks in the Raku docs, pretty much none of them handle the error in any sense beyond printing a message.

If the doc is misleading about:

  • The limits of the capabilities and applicability of CATCH / CONTROL blocks; and/or

  • The alternatives; and/or

  • What's idiomatic (which imo is not use of CATCH for code where try is more appropriate (and now my new catch function too?)).

then that would be unfortunate.

CATCH blocks in the Rakudo compiler source

(The same is true of most of the CATCH blocks in Rakudo.).

At a guess those will be judiciously placed catchalls. Placing one just before the callstack runs out, to specify default exception handling (as either a warning plus .resume, or a die or similar), seems reasonable to me. Is that what they all are?

Why are phasers statements?

sub might-die1($n) {
    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418
    CATCH { default { 'default' }}

this not only doesn't work, it also (very helpfully!) doesn't even compile.

.oO ( Well that's because you forgot a semi-colon at the end of the first statement )

(I would have thought ... the CATCH block [would have been] removed from the control flow)

Join the club. Others have expressed related sentiments in filed bugs, and SO Q's and A's. I used to think the current situation was wrong in the same way you express. I think I could now easily be persuaded by either side of the argument -- but jnthn's view would be decisive for me.

Quoting the doc:

A phaser block is just a trait of the closure containing it, and is automatically called at the appropriate moment.

That suggests that a phaser is not a statement, at least not in an ordinary sense and would, one might presume, be removed from ordinary control flow.

But returning to the doc:

Phasers [may] have a runtime value, and if evaluated [in a] surrounding expression, they simply save their result for use in the expression ... when the rest of the expression is evaluated.

That suggests that they can have a value in an ordinary control flow sense.

Perhaps the rationale for not removing phasers from holding their place in ordinary control flow, and instead evaluating to Nil if they don't otherwise return a value, is something like:

  • Phasers like INIT do return values. The compiler could insist that one assigns their result to a variable and then explicitly returns that variable. But that would be very un Raku-ish.

  • Raku philosophy is that, in general, the dev tells the compiler what to do or not do, not the other way around. A phaser is a statement. If you put a statement at the end, then you want it to be the value returned by its enclosing block. (Even if it's Nil.)

Still, overall, I'm with you in the following sense:

  • It seems natural to think that ordinary control flow does not include phasers that do not return a value. Why should it?

  • It seems IWBNI the compiler at least warned if it saw a non-value-returning phaser used as the last statement of a block that contains other value-returning statements.

Why don't CATCH blocks return/inject a value?

Ok, fair enough. How about this:

    sub might-die2($n) {
ln1:    CATCH { default { 'default' }}
ln2:    $n %% 2 ?? 'lives' !! die 418

    say might-die2(3);  # OUTPUT: «Nil»

As discussed above, many phasers, including the exception handling ones, are statements that do not return values.

I think one could reasonably have expected that:

  • CATCH phasers would return a value. But they don't. I vaguely recall jnthn already explaining why here on SO; I'll leave hunting that down as an exercise for readers. Or, conversely:

  • The compiler would warn that a phaser that did not return a value was placed somewhere a returned value was probably intended.

It's as though we'd written ... a GOTO operator

Raku(do) isn't just doing an unstructured jump.

(Otherwise .resume wouldn't work.)

this seems to be carrying things a bit far

I agree, you are carrying things a bit too far. :P


Resumable exceptions certainly aren't something I've found myself reaching for in Raku. I don't think I've used them in "userspace" code at all yet.

(from jnthn's answer to When would I want to resume a Raku exception?.)

.resume doesn't take an argument

Right. It just resumes execution at the statement after the one that led to an exception being thrown. .resume does not alter the result of the failed statement.

Even if a CATCH block tries to intervene, it won't be able to do so in a simple, self-contained fashion, by setting the value of a variable whose assignment has thrown an exception, and then .resumeing. cf Should this Raku CATCH block be able to change variables in the lexical scope?.

(I tried several CATCH related approaches before concluding that just using try was the way to go for the body of the catch function I linked at the start. If you haven't already looked at the catch code, I recommend you do.)

Further tidbits about CATCH blocks

They're a bit fraught for a couple reasons. One is what seems to be deliberate limits of their intended capability and applicability. Another is bugs. Consider, for example:

  • My answer to SO CATCH and throw in custom exception

  • Rakudo issue: Missing return value from do when calling .resume and CATCH is the last statement in a block

  • Rakudo issue: return-ing out of a block and LEAVE phaser (“identity”‽)

Larger insight about error handling

is there a larger insight about error handling that I'm missing in all of this?

Perhaps. I think you already know most of it well, but:

  • KISS #1 You've handled errors without exceptions in other PLs. It worked. You've done it in Raku. It works. Use exceptions only when you need or want to use them. For most code, you won't.

  • KISS #2 Ignoring some native type use cases, almost all results can be expressed as valid or not valid, without leading to the semi-predicate problem, using simple combinations of the following Raku Truth value that provide ergonomic ways to discern between non-error values and errors:

    • Conditionals: if, while, try, //, et al

    • Predicates: .so, .defined, .DEFINITE, et al

    • Values/types: Nil, Failures, zero length composite data structures, :D vs :U type constraints, et al

Sticking with error exceptions, some points I think worth considering:

  • One of the use cases for Raku error exceptions is to cover the same ground as exceptions in, say, Haskell. These are scenarios in which handling them as values isn't the right solution (or, in Raku, might not be).

  • Other PLs support exceptions. One of Raku's superpowers is being able to interoperate with all other PLs. Ergo it supports exceptions if for no other reason than to enable correct interoperation.

  • Raku includes the notion of a Failure, a delayed exception. The idea is you can get the best of both worlds. Handled with due care, a Failure is just an error value. Handled carelessly, it blows up like a regular exception.

More generally, all of Raku's features are designed to work together to provide convenient but high quality error handling that supports all of the following coding scenarios:

  • Fast coding. Prototyping, exploratory code, one-offs, etc.

  • Control of robustness. Gradually narrowing or broadening error handling.

  • Diverse options. What errors should be signalled? When? By which code? What if consuming code wants to signal that producing code should be more strict? Or more relaxed? What if it's the other way around -- producing code wants to signal that consuming code should be more careful or can relax? What can be done if producing and consuming code have conflicting philosophies? What if producing code cannot be altered (eg it's a library, or written in another language)?

  • Interoperation between languages / codebases. The only way that can work well is if Raku provides both high levels of control and diverse options.

  • Convenient refactoring between these scenarios.

All of these factors, and more, underlie Raku's approach to error handling.

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raiph Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10


CATCH is a really old feature of the language.
It used to only exist inside of a try block.
(Which is not very Rakuish.)

It is also a very rarely used part of Raku.
Which means that not a lot of people have come up with “pain points” of the feature.
So then very rarely has anyone done any work to make it more Rakuish.

Both of those combined make it so that CATCH is a rather featureless part of the language.
If you look at the test file for the feature, you will note that most of it was written in 2009 when the test suite was still a part of the Pugs project.
(And most of the rest are tests for bugs that have been found over the years.)

There is a very good reason that few people have tried to add new behaviours to CATCH, there are plenty of other features that are much nicer to work with.

If you want to replace a result in the event of an exception

sub may-die () {
  if Bool.pick {
    return 'normal'
  } else {
my $result;
  CATCH { default { $result = 'replacement' }}
  $result = may-die();

It is much easier to just use try without CATCH, along with defined‑or // to get something that works very similarly.

my $result = try { may-die } // 'replacement';

It is even easier if you are dealing with soft failures instead of hard exceptions, because you can just use defined‑or by itself.

sub may-fail () {
  if Bool.pick {
    return 'normal'
  } else {
my $result = may-fail() // 'replacement';

In fact the only way to use CATCH with a soft failure is to combine it with try

my $result;
try {
  CATCH { default { $result = 'replacement' }}
  $result = may-fail();

If your soft failure is the base of all failure objects Nil, you can either use // or is default

my $result = may-return-nil // 'replacement';
my $result is default<replacement> = may-return-nil;

But Nil won't just work with CATCH no matter how much you try.

Really the only time I would normally use CATCH is when I want to handle several different errors in different ways.

    when X::Something { … }
    when X::This      { … }
    when X::That      { … }

    default           { … }

  # some code that may throw X::This
  # some code that may throw X::NotSpecified (default)
  # some code that may throw X::Something
  # some code that may throw X::This or X::That

  # some code that may fail instead of throw
  # (sunk so that it will throw immediately)
  sink may-fail;

Or if I wanted to show how you could write this [terrible] Visual Basic line

On Error Resume Next

In Raku

CATCH { default { .resume } }

That of course doesn't really answer your question in the slightest.

You say that you expected CATCH to be removed from the control flow. The whole point of CATCH is to insert itself into the exceptional control flow.

Actually that's not accurate. It doesn't so much insert itself into the control flow as ending the control flow while doing some processing before moving on to the caller/outside block. Presumably because the data of the current block is in an erroneous state and should no longer be trusted.

That still doesn't explain why your code fails to compile. You expected CATCH to have its own special syntax rule when it comes to the semicolon ending a statement. If it worked the way you expected it would fail one of the important [syntax] rules in Raku, “there should be as few special cases as possible”. Its syntax is not special in any way unlike what you seem to expect.

CATCH is just one of many phasers with one important extra bit of functionality, it stops exception propagation down the call stack.

What you seem to be asking for it to instead alter the result of an expression that may throw.

That doesn't seem like a good idea.

$a + may-die() + $b

You want to be able to replace the exception from may-die with a value.

$a + 42 + $b

Basically you are asking for the ability to add action‑at‑a‑distance as a feature.

There is also a problem, what if you actually wanted $a + may‑die to be replaced instead.

42 + $b

There is no way in your idea for you to specify that.

Even worse, there is a way that could accidently happen. What if may‑die started returning a failure instead of exception. Then it would only cause an exception when you tried to use it, for example by adding it to $a.

If some code throws an exception, the block is in an unrecoverable state and it needs to halt execution. This far, no farther.

If an expression throws an exception, the result of executing the statement it is in, is suspect.
Other statements may rely on that broken statement, so then the whole block is also suspect.

I do not think it would be that good of an idea if it instead allowed the code to continue but with a different result for the current expression. Especially if that value can be far removed from the expression somewhere else inside of the block. (action‑at‑a‑distance)

If you could come up with some code that would be vastly improved with .resume(value), then maybe it could be added.
(I personally think that leave(value) would be more useful in such a circumstance.)

I will grant that .resume(value) seems like it may be useful for control exceptions.
(Caught with CONTROL instead of CATCH.)

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Brad Gilbert Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Brad Gilbert