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activerecord where clause on relation belongs_to

I'm not strong in sql and relatively new to rails. The

  attr_accessible client_id
  belongs_to Client

  attr_accessibe name
  has_many Cases

I can query directly by client_id and get a record back as expected

Case.where(client_id: 1)

But I would like to query by client.name

Case.where(client.name => "Foo")

This give me an error that tells me that client is not a method of case.

Undefined method or local variable 

Ultimately, what I'm trying to do is very simple: get the first Case that belongs to client "Foo". The query I would expect to use is this.

Case.where(client.name => "Foo").first

What should it be?

like image 307
rakitin Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 17:09


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2 Answers

Case.joins(:client).where(clients: { name: 'foo' })

This query will joins the clients on the case table (eliminates the Cases without any client associated) and add the where clause "where clients.name = 'foo'"

In human language, this query does:

Get the Cases having at least one Client having the name strictly equal (case-sensitive) to 'foo'

Pay attention to the plural/singular:

  • in the joins/includes, use the same name as the relation is declared in the model

  • in the where clause, always use the pluralized version of the relation (actually the table's name)

Additionnal informations:

  • You can use an array of values in the where clause:

    Case.joins(:client).where(clients: { id: [1,2,5] })
  • Difference between .joins and .includes: Rails :include vs. :joins

like image 177
MrYoshiji Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10


Depending on what you're doing it may be easier to go about it this way:

Client.where(:name => "foo").first.cases

This will return all the cases for the client.

like image 1
Helios de Guerra Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10

Helios de Guerra